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What do UK families spend their money on ?
Food ? Transport ? Entertainment ? Read on, and find out !
Transport costs accounted for the largest single expenditure for households in the UK according to UK Government National Statistics which put overall weekly spending for UK households at £459 in 2007. Of the £62.00 spent every week on transport the majority went on running private vehicles with public transport fares taking up only £10.10.
Recreation and culture were placed second on the list with a total average weekly spend of £57.00 and this category comprised of entertainment such as TV, computer and printed media as well as a large range of other leisure activities. This was followed by housing costs which included fuel and power but not mortgage payments. Spending on food and non-alcoholic drinks was also high up at £48.00 per week but only £6.70 of this was spent on fresh fruit and vegetables.
The two categories at the bottom of the spending list were education and health respectively with both accounting for less than £10.00 each of a household’s total weekly outgoings.
Although it is difficult to generalise about what constitutes a household these statistics paint an interesting picture of aspects of life in the UK. It may be easy to criticise the lack of spending on fruit and vegetables but on the other hand low spending on education and health may indicate efficient public sector spending !
To find out more about family spending in the UK visit : http://www.statistics.gov.uk/CCI/nugget.asp?ID=284 (accessed 14 January 2010)
Wofür geben deutsche Familien Ihr Geld aus ?
Um die 60000 Haushalte aus allen sozialen Bereichen wurden dabei nicht nur zu Einnahmen und Ausgaben befragt, sondern auch zu ihrer Wohnsituation, ihrem materiellen Besitz und ihrem Vermögen. Detailliert tragen die Befragten über drei Monate hinweg alle relevanten Daten in ein Haushaltsbuch ein.
So konnten folgende aktuelle Ergebnisse festgehalten werden :
Nahrungsmittel, Tabakwaren, Getränke | 14,0% |
Bekleidung und Schuhe | 5,0% |
Wohnen, Energie und Wohninstandhaltung | 32,5% |
Innenausstattung, Haushaltsgeräte | 5,7% |
Gesundheitspflege | 3,7% |
Verkehr | 14,4% |
Nachrichtenübermittlung | 3,1% |
Freizeit, Unterhaltung und Kultur | 11,8% |
Bildungswesen | 0,9% |
Beherbergungs- und Gaststättendienstleistungen | 4,3% |
Andere Waren und Dienstleistungen | 4,6% |
Quelle :
What do UK families spend their money on ?
Transport costs accounted for the largest single expenditure for households in the UK according to UK Government National Statistics which put overall weekly spending for UK households at £459 in 2007. Of the £62.00 spent every week on transport the majority went on running private vehicles with public transport fares taking up only £10.10.
Recreation and culture were placed second on the list with a total average weekly spend of £57.00 and this category comprised of entertainment such as TV, computer and printed media as well as a large range of other leisure activities. This was followed by housing costs which included fuel and power but not mortgage payments. Spending on food and non-alcoholic drinks was also high up at £48.00 per week but only £6.70 of this was spent on fresh fruit and vegetables.
The two categories at the bottom of the spending list were education and health respectively with both accounting for less than £10.00 each of a household’s total weekly outgoings.
Although it is difficult to generalise about what constitutes a household these statistics paint an interesting picture of aspects of life in the UK. It may be easy to criticise the lack of spending on fruit and vegetables but on the other hand low spending on education and health may indicate efficient public sector spending !
To find out more about family spending in the UK visit : http://www.statistics.gov.uk/CCI/nugget.asp?ID=284 (accessed 14 January 2010)
In Italia, come si spende il proprio denaro ?
Quali sono i consumi tipici italiani ?
In Italia, come si spende il proprio denaro ?
Rifletti sul modo di spendere degli italiani e descrivilo in italiano o in francese.
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Los gastos de los Españoles
Según esta encuesta, el gasto total de los hogares se redujo un 3%, y disminuyó sobre todo el destinado a transportes, que bajó el 14,9%, así como el empleado para vestido y calzado, que lo hizo un 8,3%.
También bajó el gasto empleado en muchos otros tipos de productos, como en mobiliario y equipamiento de la vivienda, un 6% ; en hostelería, un 4,8% ; en ocio, un 4,4% ; en alimentación, un 4% y en enseñanza, que bajó un 1,9%.
Sólo aumentó el gasto de los hogares en agua, electricidad y combustibles para vivienda (el 4,8%) y en bebidas alcohólicas y tabaco (el 3%).
Los hogares españoles destinaron el año pasado 8.951 euros a gastos relacionados con la vivienda, lo que supone el 29,4% de su presupuesto, el mayor porcentaje desde 2006. Éstos gastos, hace 40 años, representaban más de la mitad del presupuesto, y en 1958, la vivienda suponía sólo el 5% del gasto por persona.
Dentro de estos gastos se incluye el alquiler, todos los servicios de la vivienda y reparaciones y, en caso de las viviendas en propiedad o cedidas, el valor del alquiler que se pagaría en el mercado por una similar.
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