Miroirs › Société
Quels sont les mots, les personnalités, les souvenirs, les habitudes de vie, les savoirs qui nous ressemblent et qui nous rassemblent ?
Mirror, Mirror on the wall…..
According to a summary of research findings on body image among the British by the Social Issues Research Centre, what we see in the mirror depends on not only what age, gender or species we are but also on whether we have recently been shopping for clothes or what we last saw on television !
According to a summary of research findings on body image among the British by the Social Issues Research Centre, what we see in the mirror depends on not only what age, gender or species we are but also on whether we have recently been shopping for clothes or what we last saw on television ! However, in general women from the UK appear to be far less satisfied with what they see in their mirrors than men. While men tend to be content with their images to the point where they see no faults at all, eighty per cent of women are far from happy and up to fifty per cent see a distorted reflection of themselves.
The reasons given for this difference in men’s and women’s views of their mirror images are that standards of female beauty lack flexibility and are unrealistically high. Women are constantly exposed to these standards through television and other media so women whose looks fail to match these standards may be seen as plain or even ugly. Research suggests that young British women today see more exceptionally beautiful women on a daily basis than their mothers did throughout their whole adolescence !
(Adapted from “Mirror, mirror : A summary of research findings on body image” : www.sirc.org) (Accessed 16 September 2009)
Según un estudio de la consultora Ipsos, los españoles gastaron en 2002 una media de 641 euros en tratamientos de belleza y peluquería, cifra que supone un aumento del 3,7% en relación con el año anterior. La mayoría de los españoles cuidan su imagen por "autoestima", un 71% de los entrevistados. Le sigue el "reconocimiento de los demás" (36%), por obligación en el trabajo (7%), por higiene (5%) y por salud (3%).
Italiani narcisi !
È risaputo che gli uomini italiani sono molto narcisisti e attenti al modo in cui appaiono : l’uomo “effemminato” e modaiolo, infatti, rappresenta un tipico stereotipo che gli stranieri hanno degli italiani.
Del resto, da un recente sondaggio della Gilette , 7 uomini su 10 si prendono cura del proprio corpo, rimodellandolo in palestra o addirittura ricorrendo a interventi di chirurgia plastica e a depilazioni definitive.
L’associazione italiana delle industrie cosmetiche Unipro, invece, rende noto che gli uomini utilizzano fino a 7 prodotti cosmetici differenti per il proprio corpo ; le donne ne utilizzano pochi di più, circa una decina : segno inequivocabile che l’uomo sta avvicinando la donna in quando a cura della persona.
Anche l’età del narcisismo si sta alzando : gli “over 65” che domandano un “ritocchino” estetico, ricorrendo nuovamente alla chirurgia estetica, sono sempre di più : un paziente su due che ricorre a trattamenti poco invasivi, infatti, ha ormai più di 65 anni.
L’uomo italiano sarà ancora, nonostante la sua spiccata vena narcisista, il “latin lover” a cui inneggiava negli anni ’80 Madonna ? Online si legge di tutto : olandesi, inglesi e spagnoli non sembrano più essere molto d’accordo con questo stereotipo… Pare che, con la vanità, l’uomo italiano abbia perso il suo fascino.”
Mirror, Mirror on the wall…..
According to a summary of research findings on body image among the British by the Social Issues Research Centre, what we see in the mirror depends on not only what age, gender or species we are but also on whether we have recently been shopping for clothes or what we last saw on television ! However, in general women from the UK appear to be far less satisfied with what they see in their mirrors than men. While men tend to be content with their images to the point where they see no faults at all, eighty per cent of women are far from happy and up to fifty per cent see a distorted reflection of themselves.
The reasons given for this difference in men’s and women’s views of their mirror images are that standards of female beauty lack flexibility and are unrealistically high. Women are constantly exposed to these standards through television and other media so women whose looks fail to match these standards may be seen as plain or even ugly. Research suggests that young British women today see more exceptionally beautiful women on a daily basis than their mothers did throughout their whole adolescence !
(Adapted from “Mirror, mirror : A summary of research findings on body image” : www.sirc.org) (Accessed 16 September 2009)
Die verführerische Deutsche ?
Wer kennt sie nicht, der Mythos der unwiderstehlichen Französin und der feurigen Spanierin, die den Männern den Kopf verdreht. Dazu gehört aber einiges an Kosmetik und Epilation, gerade bei dunkelhaarigen Frauen... Was ist aber mit blonden Deutschen ? Können sie nicht auch mit ihren langen Beinen und ihren blauen Augen Männern den Verstand rauben, so wie Marlene, als sie "von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt" war ? ...
Ein Klischee aus den 80er Jahren
In den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts kam das bei nicht-deutschen Männern nicht so gut an, denn deutsche Frauen waren damals besonders für eines bekannt : ihre selbstbewusste Einstellung gegenüber ihrer Körperbehaarung. Somit entstand das Klischee der deutschen Frau, die mit unrasierten Beinen und Birkenstock-Latschen durch die Gegend rennt - und in Frankreich oder Italien am Strand ausgelacht wird...
Wie sieht es heute aus ?
Auch wenn deutsche Frauen immer noch nicht weltweit für ihre Verführungskünste bekannt sind, haben Topmodels wie Klaudia Schiffer und Heidi Klum mit ihren Weltkarrieren bewiesen, dass deutsche Frauen sehr wohl attraktiv sein können. Und auch die Durchschnitts-Deutsche hat den Rasierer, das Wachsing und viele andere Kunstgriffe für sich entdeckt, und das Gerücht der "haarigen Deutschen" ist verflogen.
Abgesehen davon werden die damals als Öko-Latschen abgestempelten Birkenstock Schuhe heute weltweit als Trend Produkte verkauft. Und wer waren die Trendsetter der Birkenstock-Schuhe ? Die Deutschen - Frauen und Männer !