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The section Miroirs, Mirrors, puts together pairs of texts on similar topics in French and English. This double take allows you to compare to different ways of looking at a same issue.
It also gives you the opportunity to look at vocabulary in context, and to compare and contrast it across the two languages.
Have a look for instance at the school menus in France and the UK under the heading "Santé". What are the differences in the food itself and in the way the dishes are described ? Why is the fact that some dishes don’t contain pork highlighted in the French menu ? What French reality does that make reference to ?
Under the heading "Notre temps", you will see two articles on how the French and the British spend their time. The headings are not exactly the same, but can you match some of the categories ? Which categories appear in one, but not in the other, and what does that tell you about the two cultures ?
Observe and analyse the language, and use the "bloc-notes", or notebook, to write down your ideas.
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