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Technical information
What should I do if I have problems viewing Flash animations (plug in, uploads etc.) ?
Just go to the Adobe website and update your Flash Player version.
What should I do if I can’t view a video ?
It might be that your Flash Player is not up to date, in which case go to the Adobe website and download the newest version.
What should I do if I can’t hear audio files ?
Make sure that your speakers (or headset) are switched on and plugged in. If the problem continues, then go to the Adobe website to update your Flash Player version.
What browser can I use to explore the website ?
You can use Internet Explorer, Firefox or Opera.
How do I download the videos ?
You can download videos in an .flv format. They can then be watched with the FLV player (Video Streaming) which can be downloaded from here (Riva Player) ******CHANGER LE LIEN******
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