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La stampa
Pensi che gli italiani siano lettori assidui della stampa scritta ?
A voi la parola !
Quali sono le testate maggiormente famose in Italia ?
E la stampa su Internet, credi che sia realmente una minaccia ?
In generale, credi che gli italiani leggano molto ?
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Die deutschen Zeitungen
Die am meisten gelesenen Tageszeitungen
In Deutschland gibt es Tages- und Wochenzeitungen, wobei insgesamt die regionalen Tageszeitungen am meisten gelesen werden. Die wichtigste Wochenzeitung ist Die Zeit und die bedeutensten deutschen Tageszeitungen sind die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung und die Süddeutsche Zeitung. Die meistverkaufte und am meisten zitierte Tageszeitung ist das Hamburger Boulevardblatt Bild. Sie ist die Zeitung mit der größten Auflage Europas. Laut Axel Springer, dem Herausgeber der Bild dauert es durchschnittlich 38 Minuten eine Ausgabe durchzulesen.
Die Bremer Tageszeitung
In Bremen erscheint der Weser-Kurier in einer Hauptausgabe und acht Regionalzeitungen. 2008 feierte die Bremer Tageszeitung das 25. jährige Bestehen ihrer Sonntagsausgabe Kurier am Sonntag.
Ist nun die deutsche Presse bedroht ?
Die Antwort ist nein ! Es gibt durchschnittlich fast in jedem deutschen Haushalt eine Tageszeitung. Lokale und überregionale Zeitungen werden meistens im Abonnement bezogen. Die Abonnierten bekommen sogar am Sonntag ihre Zeitung zugeliefert : Sie darf zum Frühstück nicht fehlen !
Um deutsche Zeitungen zu lesen :
Die Zeit
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Süddeutsche Zeitung
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La stampa
Quali sono le testate maggiormente famose in Italia ?
E la stampa su Internet, credi che sia realmente una minaccia ?
In generale, credi che gli italiani leggano molto ?
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The press
... the Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country ; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country ; The Times is read by people who actually do run the country ; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country ; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country ; The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country ; and The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.
Sir Humphrey : Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun ?
Bernard : Sun readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits.
This memorable moment from TV series Yes minister humorously (and accurately !) sums up the various political stances of Britain’s newspapers.
In Britain there are two types of newspapers, the tabloids, such as The Sun, or the Daily Mail, and the quality broadsheets (e.g. The Times). Unlike some of our European neighbours, in the UK there are no national evening papers, but all are published in the morning, and no daily all-sport newspapers.
Although known as broadsheets, most of the quality papers in fact are published in a smaller, more manageable size, and The Daily Telegraph is the only remaining weekday broadsheet. The Sunday Telegraph and most sections of The Sunday Times are also still published in broadsheet size.
Newspapers usually have a clear political leaning. For instance, the Daily Mail is known for its staunch right-wing views, and is often derided by its alarmist headlines about immigrants and asylum seekers, “hoodies”, gay adoptions, and even “things that give you cancer” (anything from coffee, bacon, ham and alcohol, prompting the headline “Is anything safe to eat ?”). However, with over 2 million readers, “The Daily Hate”, as it’s called, is the second most popular newspapers in the UK. The most popular, with over 3 million readers, is The Sun, home to the famous (or infamous) "Page Three girl", a topless or nude photograph of a female glamour model.
Amongst the quality papers, The Times is probably the best-known to readers overseas, although it it The Daily Telegraph that has the highest circulation (700,000 copies). Both The Times and The Daily Telegraph (or "Daily Torygraph", as it is also known) are conservative in their stance, whereas The Independent and The Guardian hold more liberal views. The Financial Times, as its name suggests, is the international business newspaper, printed on distinctive, salmon pink paper.
One of the threats to traditional newspapers is the recent arrival of the free morning newspapers, such as Metro, which thrive in large cities and are widely read by commuters on public transport. This has prompted the London evening paper, The Evening Standard, to be offered for free after 8 pm.
Although most newspapers are also available online, a possible threat to the press comes from both the 24 hour TV news channels, and from websites such as the BBC, which offers a free, high quality service of breaking news, sports, TV and radio.