Voyages en français

MiroirsReportages : dans la peau d’un journaliste

Des étudiants en français ont proposé des sujets de reportage. Leurs articles, en français et dans les trois autres langues des MIROIRS, sont publiés ici.

Tapez un mot pour en connaître le sens :

Choose your poison ...

Report by Brian, Joseph, Margaret, Paula, Sally as part of the multilingual project 4 Profs 4 Pays.

A recent report from a group of top specialists in substance abuse has dropped a bombshell into current public discussions on drug policy and the regulation of addictive substances in Great Britain. Headed by Professor David Nutt of Bristol University, members of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs applied a new method for classifying the relative harm associated with drug use, taking into account both the harm to the individual as well as the harm to others. They used this system to evaluate the relative harmfulness of 20 substances. These included not only substances currently classed as illegal in Britain, such as heroin, cocaine, cannabis, and ecstasy, but also alcohol and tobacco. Their conclusion was that in terms of harm to the individual, heroin and crack cocaine are the most dangerous drugs ; but it is alcohol that is the most dangerous to others. Moreover, when they combined the two scores to produce a total measure of harmfulness, it was alcohol which came out in the number one position as the most harmful drug overall, ahead of heroin and crack cocaine. These results led the group to question the exclusion of alcohol and tobacco from the current Misuse of Drugs Act.

What is to be done ?

Making tobacco and alcohol illegal by their inclusion in The Misuse of Drugs Act would no doubt reduce the number of people who use these substances and, thus, the related health problems in British society. However, one could argue that taking alcohol and tobacco off the streets in the UK might create a whole new set of potentially more dangerous problems, as illustrated by the crimes associated with the trafficking of currently illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Moreover, while money might be saved in the long term by less need for the National Health Service to treat alcohol and tobacco-related diseases, it is debatable whether the government of today would be prepared to accept the substantial loss of revenue which would inevitably result from the criminalisation of alcohol and tobacco.

It seems unlikely, therefore, that the outright banning of culturally accepted, addictive substances like alcohol and tobacco will happen any time soon despite the evidence offered regarding their damaging effects. Nevertheless, research such as that of David Nutt et al may well influence public debate and strengthen pressure for further forms of control, such as recent suggestions that a minimum price be set for sales of alcohol. Of course, instead of classifying more addictive substances as illegal, we could consider tackling the problem from a different perspective : by the de-criminalisation of certain drugs such as cannabis, for example. This could reduce the crimes currently associated with underground trafficking and bring the whole issue of drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, into the open. We should never underestimate the problems relating to all addictive substances, nevertheless, the well-meaning actions of a "nanny state" can often be counter-productive.

Adapted from :
Associated Press “Alcohol, tobacco make top 10 list of risky drugs”(Consulted 2 December 2010)

David Nutt et al.“Drug harms in the UK : a multicriteria decision analysis” The Lancet 6 November 2010 pp 1558–65(Consulted 2 December 2010)

Adiòs a los malos humos

El inicio de un nuevo año viene inevitablemente cargado de buenos propósitos y promesas que muchas veces se olvidan a las pocas semanas. Sin embargo, el 2011 ha sido una excepción. A todos los españoles que se habían propuesto dejar de fumar durante este año se les ha cumplido el deseo, o al menos se lo han puesto mucho más fácil. Desde el pasado 2 de enero está prohibido encender un cigarro en espacios públicos cerrados.

Alas cortadas al humo

Lo que hasta hace meses formaba parte del paisaje diario –personas fumando en el interior de bares, restaurantes, discotecas o en los alrededores de universidades, hospitales, parques infantiles o centros de trabajo–, se ha convertido en una práctica restringida y limitada a ciertos lugares. De esta forma, España ha pasado a formar parte del reducido grupo de países que le han cortado las alas al humo, como Reino Unido, Irlanda o Italia.

Objectivos de la ley

Entre los principales objetivos de esta medida sanitaria se encuentra luchar contra el problema del tabaquismo que, según datos del Ministerio de Sanidad, es la primera causa de muerte evitable en España (provoca la muerte de 60.000 personas al año). Asimismo, se persigue evitar que los más jóvenes comiencen a fumar y facilitarle la tarea a aquellos que quieren abandonar el mal hábito.

Una ley polemica ?

Los detractores a dicha medida –asociaciones defensoras del fumador, el sector de la hostelería y la restauración, entre otros– alegan que ésta (una de las más restrictivas del mundo) atenta contra los Derechos Individuales y la Libertad de Empresa de los individuos y los centros de trabajo respectivamente, cuyo pleno derecho de elección se ve mermado.

Una ley novadora en Europa

No obstante, España es el primer país que ha trasladado esta prohibición a lugares como parques infantiles o los alrededores de los recintos hospitalarios, colegios e institutos. En este sentido, el no cumplimiento de lo establecido por la ley se considerará una falta leve y, si se repite tres veces, repercutirá en medidas sancionadoras más fuertes. Los clubes privados de fumadores son los únicos establecimientos en los que no se aplica la norma.

La ley anti tabaco : responsable de la crisis del empleo ?

Algunas instituciones, como la Federación Española de Hostelería (FEHR), aseguran que el sector de la hostelería ha registrado hasta el mes de marzo –como consecuencia de esta Ley– más de 53.000 bajas de empleo. Puede que esta ley no haya llegado en el momento más adecuado para la situación económica del país, pero lo que está claro es que ha marcado un antes y un después en la vida diaria de los españoles, que ahora agradecen respiran aire puro allá donde vayan.

Fuente imagen :

Que opinaís de la ley ? Os parece demasiado dura para los fumadores ?

Quando una sigaretta è arte

Cosa dicono le statistiche ?

Da una recente indagine

DOXA effettuata nel 2009 in Italia risultano tre dati molto allarmanti :
la fascia di età con maggior numero di fumatori comprende le persone tra i 25 e 44 anni. Già a partire da 16 anni un adolescente Italiano fuma la sua prima sigaretta. Per la prima volta dopo sei anni aumentano i fans delle sigarette : nel 2009 saliti a 13 milioni, a differenza del 2008 fermi a 11,2 milioni.

Che cosa dice la Legge

Questi dati sono ancora più preoccupanti se si pensa che in Italia, la legge 165, promulgata nel 1962, vieta ogni forma di pubblicità di prodotti per fumatori su carta stampata, televisione, manifestazioni sportive e quant’altro.
Alla 165, nel 1991, è seguito il Decreto Ministeriale 425, che vieta le pubblicità televisiva di sigarette e similia, siano esse dirette o indirette.

Facta lex inventa fraus

Le multinazionali, tuttavia, hanno da sempre trovato astute alternative per pubblicizzare i loro prodotti, senza però minare il loro “buon nome” : è sufficiente mirare a prodotti “neutrali” quali l’abbigliamento o – ancora più efficacemente – a manifestazioni sportive dei quali farsi sponsor. L’esempio più lampante è la Ferrari, che da anni sfoggia, oltre al famoso cavallino, il marchio di ben note sigarette.
Quella che pare un’evidente trasgressione della legge italiana è spiegabile dal fatto che alcune manifestazioni – Gran Premio in primis – sono organizzate a livello mondiale e non in tutti i Paesi in cui tali manifestazioni si svolgono le legislazioni sono le stesse. Ergo, in casi come questo, i marchi diventano legali o, meglio, le limitazioni perdono di potere e senso.

Ciak ! Si fuma !

A tale situazione si aggiunge un altro caso non poco farraginoso : il cinema.
Di recente un gruppo di ricercatori britannici ha lanciato la denuncia : <>.
Secondo la ricerca dei ricercatori dell’Università di Nottingham è il caso di parlare di ben sette film “pericolosi” su dieci. Che al cinema non manchino scene in cui il fumo è protagonista è un dato di fatto che sarebbe ridicolo negare : uno degli esempi citati è, infatti, <>, dove sono almeno quindici le scene in cui compare la famigerata sigaretta ; segue <>, in cui il famoso attore Hugh Grant recita con la sigaretta in mano.
Come conciliare dunque le esigenze cinematografiche con il rispetto delle leggi e le campagne di prevenzione ? Il cinema non è fatto solo di storia, di plot, di cinica trama. Il cinema è fatto di oggetti, di gesti, di sguardi : il cinema è la gamba perfetta della Dietrich, lo sguardo alienato di Jack Torrance, il tavolo ricolmo di oggetti inquietanti di Profondo Rosso, la moto di Fonda. E sì : il cinema è anche fatto della sigaretta di Belmondo in A bout de souffle, di Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, di Mastroianni in La dolce vita, di Stefano Accorsi in Radiofreccia.ecc.
Perché come le fumano certi attori non le fuma nessuno !

È quindi forse il caso di chiedersi fino a che punto divieti sacrosanti possano spingersi e se sia davvero il caso che le leggi contro il tabagismo invadano il campo dell’arte.

Der Weg vom Raucheuropameister zu einer rauchfreieren Jugend

In den letzten Jahren erkennt man aber eine andere Entwicklung : nur noch 15% der Jugendlichen in Deutschland rauchen. Verglichen mit 8% in Kalifornien ist das noch immer viel, aber dennoch der Beginn einer positiven Trendwende. Ebenso lässt diese Entwicklung den Erfolg vieler Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung, Schulen und Einzelpersonen erkennen, die sich für eine gesundere Zukunft für Jugendliche engagieren.

Programm „Rauchfrei“ für Jugendliche

Besonders gut hat die Förderung des Nichtrauchens bei Jugendlichen funktioniert. Ein Beispiel ist die Internetseite, eine Internetseite der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) speziell für Jugendliche - egal ob Raucherin oder Raucher, Nichtraucherin oder Nichtraucher. Hier können sich die Jugendlichen nicht nur über Gefahren des Rauchens informieren, sondern auch Tests machen, mit Gerüchten über das Rauchen aufräumen oder sich in einem Raucher-Aussteiger-Programm anmelden.
Andere Rauchfrei-Kampagnen der BZgA sind zum Beispiel auch der bundesweite Nichtraucher-Wettbewerb „Be Smart – Don’t Start“ für Schulklassen. In diesem Wettbewerb wird das „Nichtrauchen“ gefördert, da sich die Schulklassen dazu verpflichten, ein halbes Jahr lang nicht zu rauchen und dies mit Filmen, Aktionstagen oder selbstgeschriebenen Songs zu dokumentieren. Ein voller Erfolg – ganze 11.100 Schulklassen nahmen teil und die Siegerklasse konnte sich am Ende über eine Klassenfahrt als Hauptpreis freuen.

Bei der Aktion „Rauchfrei 2008“ beteiligten sich sogar 27.216 Teilnehmer um den 10.000€ Preis zu gewinnen. Hierbei wurde dazu aufgerufen ab dem 1.Mai 2008 für 4 Wochen rauchfrei zu sein. Entscheidend ist dabei, dass sich die Jugendlichen nicht allein fühlen und häufig einen Motivationsschub durch die Unterstützung von Freunden und Familie erfahren.

Weiter so !

Natürlich gibt es noch immer viele Jugendliche, die rauchen. Doch die Tendenz ist dank vieler Förderprogramme, Wettbewerbe und Aktionen deutlich sinkend. Dieser erfreuliche Trend ist nicht nur für die Jugendlichen selbst gesundheitsfördernd. Einen großen Vorteil bedeutet er auch für all jene Nichtraucher, die nun weniger oft passiv den Qualm ihrer Mitmenschen einatmen müssen. Für die Zukunft zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass Aktionen wie „Be Smart – Don’t Start“ weiterhin an den deutschen Schulen eine bedeutsame Rolle erhalten sollten, um die Gesundheit von Jugendlichen Rauchern und Nichtrauchern zu schützen.

Choose your poison ...

A recent report from a group of top specialists in substance abuse has dropped a bombshell into current public discussions on drug policy and the regulation of addictive substances in Great Britain. Headed by Professor David Nutt of Bristol University, members of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs applied a new method for classifying the relative harm associated with drug use, taking into account both the harm to the individual as well as the harm to others. They used this system to evaluate the relative harmfulness of 20 substances. These included not only substances currently classed as illegal in Britain, such as heroin, cocaine, cannabis, and ecstasy, but also alcohol and tobacco. Their conclusion was that in terms of harm to the individual, heroin and crack cocaine are the most dangerous drugs ; but it is alcohol that is the most dangerous to others. Moreover, when they combined the two scores to produce a total measure of harmfulness, it was alcohol which came out in the number one position as the most harmful drug overall, ahead of heroin and crack cocaine. These results led the group to question the exclusion of alcohol and tobacco from the current Misuse of Drugs Act.

What is to be done ?

Making tobacco and alcohol illegal by their inclusion in The Misuse of Drugs Act would no doubt reduce the number of people who use these substances and, thus, the related health problems in British society. However, one could argue that taking alcohol and tobacco off the streets in the UK might create a whole new set of potentially more dangerous problems, as illustrated by the crimes associated with the trafficking of currently illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Moreover, while money might be saved in the long term by less need for the National Health Service to treat alcohol and tobacco-related diseases, it is debatable whether the government of today would be prepared to accept the substantial loss of revenue which would inevitably result from the criminalisation of alcohol and tobacco.

It seems unlikely, therefore, that the outright banning of culturally accepted, addictive substances like alcohol and tobacco will happen any time soon despite the evidence offered regarding their damaging effects. Nevertheless, research such as that of David Nutt et al may well influence public debate and strengthen pressure for further forms of control, such as recent suggestions that a minimum price be set for sales of alcohol. Of course, instead of classifying more addictive substances as illegal, we could consider tackling the problem from a different perspective : by the de-criminalisation of certain drugs such as cannabis, for example. This could reduce the crimes currently associated with underground trafficking and bring the whole issue of drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, into the open. We should never underestimate the problems relating to all addictive substances, nevertheless, the well-meaning actions of a "nanny state" can often be counter-productive.

Adapted from :
Associated Press “Alcohol, tobacco make top 10 list of risky drugs”(Consulted 2 December 2010)

David Nutt et al.“Drug harms in the UK : a multicriteria decision analysis” The Lancet 6 November 2010 pp 1558–65(Consulted 2 December 2010)

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  • Prohibido fumar 25 février 2011 20:38, par Eva

    J´ai laissé le cigarrette depuis beaucoup d´années. J´ai essayé de faire ça beaucoup de fois, je crois que comme un grand nombre de fumeuses. Mais cette fois, je pense, c´est la definitive. C´est bien pour ma santé, et je suis très contente. Quand je sors le soir, pour prendre une coupe, pour ecouter un concert de musique, je ne sent pas le besoin de fumer. Je me souviens parfois, mais... je me sens si bien, ma peau, ma respiration, mon somneil... tout va mieux sans le tabac.

    Je comprends trés bien la position des gens qui veulent continuer de fumer. Chaque fois ils ont moins d´endroits pour fumer, les restrictions et les prix si chéres me font-ils penser que c´est une lutte perdue. Ils devront toutes laisser son vice, par imperative légale. Et c´est ça la question : Fumer c´est un droit individuel, peut-tu choisir ? Ou, par contraire, c´est un atentat contraire a un bien publique que l´Etat doit proteger, la santé de toutes ? Ou est le limite de l´intervention de l´Administration dans notre vie privée ?

    Mais, s´il vous plaît, ne touchez pas le cigarrette a mon chér Sam Spade. Laisser fumer aux belles femmes du pasé. Je me souviene de les temps quand une mademoiselle qui fumait c´etait una femme moderne et liberée. Tout change, mais ne me touchez pas le cinéma noir.