Miroirs › Reportages : dans la peau d’un journaliste
Des étudiants en français ont proposé des sujets de reportage. Leurs articles, en français et dans les trois autres langues des MIROIRS, sont publiés ici.
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English language fairy tales and rhymes date back hundreds of years. From the 1950s, a distrust of these traditional children’s literary forms emerged. Nevertheless, they are still seen by many as a way to bring evil under control and establish domestic harmony and it is often through singing or chanting the words and lyrics of old stories and nursery rhymes that children learn about their history and heritage in addition to developing their language skills.
Listening, singing and learning
Report by Jacqueline and Sally as part of the multilingual project 4 Profs 4 Pays. |
How and why did they develop ?
Traditional stories and nursery rhymes were used to help children learn to read, count, rhyme, learn vocabulary and string words together, especially to a meter. They are successful in learning because the catchy, rhythmic nature of nursery rhymes and short traditional stories are easy to memorise and are perfect for preparing a child for speech and literacy. They contain real-world language elements that promote "learning by osmosis." The words, rhythms, meter and phrasing "sink in" to a child’s mind effortlessly. Learning happens automatically simply by hearing, chanting and enjoying the story or rhyme. Modern films such as Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty use the traditional stories. New stories such as Shrek are based on the framework of fairy tales and fables.
Why are stories and rhymes important in intellectual and social development ?
Traditional stories and nursery rhymes are still the best way to begin teaching reading, language, literacy and counting skills. It has been found that the unique qualities of nursery rhymes that is movement while chanting, such as clapping to a beat or playing finger games stimulate both sides of the brain to work, which is good for development. Studies show that repeating songs with movements over a period of time encourages left-right brain coordination, the acquisition of motor skills and musical fluency.
The best time for this type of brain development is in early childhood. All children need a rich experience of singing and moving rhythmically to simple tunes in order to develop their full potential. It has been shown that a lack of such an experience can cause slower learning capabilities in other subjects such as reading and maths. Fairy tales and fables shared with young children enable them to begin to discuss issues of character, plot, style narrative and structure. In the UK they are linked to many aspects of the early years National Curriculum such as geography and history and to personal, social and health education, physical education and citizenship later on. Within the safety of the home or the classroom, children are able to examine the different alternatives that can be taken in many situations and develop their moral judgement. They seem simple but are actually complex. They often demonstrate opposites such as poverty and wealth, heroes and villains or strength and weakness.
How important is this for language acquisition ?
Traditional stories and nursery rhymes teach the rhythm of the language, along with its nuances. Every language has its own rhythm. The best way to learn the rhythm and the nuances is to hear them and practice them until they are second nature. Nursery rhymes are the best preparation for the development of more complex speaking skills. Hence, they are loaded with developmentally appropriate basic sounds, words and phrases that make up our language. Between the ages of two and four children learn around a thousand words. Listening and participating are often social activities at this age done with groups of children. Shared experiences bond people together and make them more sociable, teaching them how to co-operate with others, rather than in a self-contained bubble, is all part of socialisation.
Thanks to children from Oatlands County Infant School, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
L’importanza di favole, racconti, filastrocche e la loro funzione
Reportage realizzato dagli Giorgia, Ingrid, Sara e Xavier nell’ambito del progetto 4 profs, 4 pays. |
Le favole raccontate ai bambini sono molto importanti. Non è mai troppo presto per raccontare le fiabe ai propri figli. Già nei primi mesi i bambini sentono la vicinanza di una persona attraverso la sua voce. Crescendo le favole e le filastrocche sono sempre più importanti, per lo sviluppo del linguaggio e e per l’aspetto affettivo. Il bambino cerca già di immedesimarsi con i protagonisti e in questo modo capisce che le cose nella vita vanno affrontate. Con l’aiuto delle fiabe si possono vincere anche le paure e le incertezze. Dopo aver raccontato o letto la fiaba al figlio si potrebbe creare un dialogo con lui e forse potrebbe confidarsi con noi. Troppo spesso i bambini guardano la televisione o giocano al computer. I libri invece sono coperti di polvere.
Spesso i genitori s’interrogano sull’utilizzo delle fiabe e delle favole nella prassi educativa dei propri figli, chiedendosi se è giusto esporre il proprio bambino ad emozioni forti ma contemporaneamente “negative” ; essi vorrebbero presentare ai propri bambini solo racconti positivi che vanno incontro ai loro desideri. In realtà quest’interrogativo risulta un po’ inutile in quanto il bambino non vivrà in una realtà “tutta rose e fiori”, dovrà, invece fronteggiare quotidianamente difficoltà. A ciò va aggiunto un altro aspetto di non minore importanza : il bambino ha spesso pensieri distruttivi e aggressivi, del tutto normali all’interno del suo processo di crescita : egli, tuttavia, non sa che questi sentimenti sono “normali”, perciò se gli vengono presentati esclusivamente modelli positivi si alimentano automaticamente i suoi sensi di colpa.
Leggere fa bene. Attiva la memoria, stimola la fantasia ed evoca anche sentimenti. Se leggiamo le fiabe ai nostri bambini facciamo una bella cosa per loro, ma anche per noi. In un mondo orientato verso la tecnologia, leggere fiabe e libri ai bambini ci permette di entrare nel mondo dell’immaginario. Le filastrocche sono invece molto utili dal punto di vista dell’apprendimento delle parole al fine di ampliare il lessico, e della loro pronuncia.
Autori Italiani Ieri e Oggi
Il primo a trascrivere in Italia delle fiabe e ad utilizzarle come forma di espressione popolare fu lo scrittore Giambattista Basile (1575-1632), con la bellissima raccolta di cinquanta fiabe in dialetto napoletano, intitolata Lo cunto de li de li cunti (o Pentamerone). Altrettanto importante fu Italo Calvino (1923-1985), che si premurò di riunire una vasta raccolta di fiabe proveniente da varie regioni e di tradurle affinchè potessero essere comprensibili a tutti. Ma sicuramente uno dei più conosciuti è Gianni Rodari (1920-1980), scrittore e pedagogista italiano, specializzato in testi per bambini e tradotto in molte lingue. Ha scritto anche molte filastrocche. Il testo che lo rese famoso fu "Filastrocche in Cielo e in Terra" (1960 prima ed.). Fra le altre opere si ricordi "La Freccia Azzurra", "Gli Affari del Signor Gatto", "La Gondola Fantasma", "Piccoli Vagabondi".
Oggi l’eredità di favole e racconti si ritrova nella letteratura per ragazzi, autori italiani della quale sono Francesco Falconi, Silvana De Mari, Anna Russo ecc...
La considerazione delle favole e dei racconti oggi
Oggi la tradizione di favole e racconti in Italia vacilla. I genitori, presi entrambi dal lavoro, tendono a sopprimere l’antico rito di soffermarsi insieme al proprio bambino per raccontargli una favola. Prendono dunque posto i videogiochi, il computer, i film. Ma nulla è comparabile al suono della voce di una mamma mentre racconta una storia al proprio figlio. Tuttavia per fortuna tale fenomeno non è ancora in via di estinzione. Molte sono le donne che non si arrendono all’avvento di questi "sostituti" e si prendono il tempo e il piacere per prendere un libro di favole, o perchè no inventarne una, e leggerlo al suo bambino davanti al camino o a letto per farlo
Die Gebrüder Grimm und deren Werke
Reportage erstellt von Sina, Leo, Janine, Celina im Rahmen des mehrsprachigen Projekts 4 classes 4pays. |
Deutsche Märchen gibt es viele. Bekannt sind vor allem die Märchen der Gebrüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm.
1812 erschien das erste gemeinsame Buch der Brüder (eine Ausgabe des althochdeutschen Hildebrandlieds und des Wessobrunner Gebets) und zu Weihnachten der erste Band der „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“. Zu dieser Zeit versuchten sich die Brüder auch an einer deutschen Ausgabe der „Edda“ sowie des „Reineke Fuchs“. Von der Edda erschien 1815 nur ein erster Band, der keine Fortsetzung fand, da die Brüder Grimm auf diesem Gebiet von anderen Forschern überholt wurden. Den „Reinhart Fuchs“ in mehreren mittelalterlichen Versionen gab Jacob erst 1834 – dann allerdings mit einer umfangreichen Einleitung über das Wesen des Tierepos - heraus.
Von 1813 bis 1816 brachten die Brüder darüber hinaus drei Bände der Zeitschrift „Altdeutsche Wälder“ heraus, die altdeutsche Literatur zum Inhalt hatte und dann wieder eingestellt wurde.
1815 konnten die Brüder den zweiten Band der „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“ vorlegen, im Jahr 1819 wurde der erste Band stark überarbeitet neu aufgelegt : Es kamen weitere Märchen hinzu, etwa ein Viertel der Geschichten wurde gestrichen und fast die Hälfte der verbliebenen Märchen überarbeitet, häufig um die als anstößig empfundenen erotischen Anspielungen zu beseitigen.
In den Jahren 1816 und 1818 erschienen die beiden Bände einer Sagensammlung („Deutsche Sagen“), die allerdings nicht den breiten Erfolg hatte wie ihre Märchensammlung. Ihre gesamten Werke wuden dennoch zu Lebzeiten nie neu aufgelegt.
Listening, singing and learning
Report by Jacqueline and Sally as part of the multilingual project 4 Profs 4 Pays. |
How and why did they develop ?
Traditional stories and nursery rhymes were used to help children learn to read, count, rhyme, learn vocabulary and string words together, especially to a meter. They are successful in learning because the catchy, rhythmic nature of nursery rhymes and short traditional stories are easy to memorise and are perfect for preparing a child for speech and literacy. They contain real-world language elements that promote "learning by osmosis." The words, rhythms, meter and phrasing "sink in" to a child’s mind effortlessly. Learning happens automatically simply by hearing, chanting and enjoying the story or rhyme. Modern films such as Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty use the traditional stories. New stories such as Shrek are based on the framework of fairy tales and fables.
Why are stories and rhymes important in intellectual and social development ?
Traditional stories and nursery rhymes are still the best way to begin teaching reading, language, literacy and counting skills. It has been found that the unique qualities of nursery rhymes that is movement while chanting, such as clapping to a beat or playing finger games stimulate both sides of the brain to work, which is good for development. Studies show that repeating songs with movements over a period of time encourages left-right brain coordination, the acquisition of motor skills and musical fluency.
The best time for this type of brain development is in early childhood. All children need a rich experience of singing and moving rhythmically to simple tunes in order to develop their full potential. It has been shown that a lack of such an experience can cause slower learning capabilities in other subjects such as reading and maths. Fairy tales and fables shared with young children enable them to begin to discuss issues of character, plot, style narrative and structure. In the UK they are linked to many aspects of the early years National Curriculum such as geography and history and to personal, social and health education, physical education and citizenship later on. Within the safety of the home or the classroom, children are able to examine the different alternatives that can be taken in many situations and develop their moral judgement. They seem simple but are actually complex. They often demonstrate opposites such as poverty and wealth, heroes and villains or strength and weakness.
How important is this for language acquisition ?
Traditional stories and nursery rhymes teach the rhythm of the language, along with its nuances. Every language has its own rhythm. The best way to learn the rhythm and the nuances is to hear them and practice them until they are second nature. Nursery rhymes are the best preparation for the development of more complex speaking skills. Hence, they are loaded with developmentally appropriate basic sounds, words and phrases that make up our language. Between the ages of two and four children learn around a thousand words. Listening and participating are often social activities at this age done with groups of children. Shared experiences bond people together and make them more sociable, teaching them how to co-operate with others, rather than in a self-contained bubble, is all part of socialisation.
Thanks to children from Oatlands County Infant School, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Los cuentos y las canciones : diversión o educación ?
Reportaje realizado por Natalìa y Paloma en el marco del proyecto plurilingue 4 profs, 4 pays. |
El poder de la infancia
Si la vida fuera un cuento, nos harían falta muchas hojas en las que escribir nuestra historia. Los seres humanos experimentamos nuevas vivencias todos los días que nos forman como personas, nos ayudan a crear nuestra personalidad y, a futuro, nos convierten en un tipo de persona u otra, fiel a unos principios u otros.
De entre todas las vivencias y experiencias por las que cada persona pasa a lo largo de su vida, parece difícil decantarse por la más importante. No obstante, como en muchas otras ocasiones, la infancia pasa a ser una etapa crucial de la vida. Por ello puede que lo vivido y aprendido durante esta primera época son aquellas que más perduran en la memoria de las personas. Aquellos cuentos que nuestros padres nos relataban antes de irnos a dormir o aquellas canciones pegadizas que nos enseñaban en el colegio y después canturreábamos hasta la saciedad son, curiosamente, algunos ejemplos de las vivencias que perduran en nuestra memoria con mayor cariño con el paso del tiempo.
Si hacemos un recorrido por las últimas generaciones de españoles comprobaremos que muchas de ellas comparten el mismo cariño hacia cuentos infantiles como Caperucita Roja, el Libro de la Selva, Blancanieves, el Patito Feo, Cenicienta, el flautista de Hamelin, Rapunzel, el Ratoncito Pérez o los Tres Cerditos. En muchas ocasiones, estos cuentos se han adaptado audiovisualmente y se han convertido en películas de gran éxito entre los más pequeños de España. En el caso de las canciones populares más apreciadas y conocidas por la sociedad española destacan canciones como el Corro de la Patata.
La moraleja, una vieja sabia
Los cuentos tienen la importante labor de inculcar en los más pequeños valores como la tolerancia, la sinceridad, el respeto a lo diferente, saber compartir... Asimismo, les ayuda a diferenciar el bien del mal, los buenos comportamientos de los malos, recurrir al esfuerzo para conseguir sus objetivos ; la parte de los cuentos que se encarga de esto es la famosa moraleja. Ésta cumple una función esencial y se encarga de que los niños saquen conclusiones y aprendan de todo aquello que lean.
El Gato y el Ratón
Había una vez un pequeño ratón, que vivía en la casa de una mujer vieja ya. La señora, que temía de estas criaturas, coloco muchas trampas para matar el ratón. El ratón asuntado le pide ayuda al gato de la mujer. ¿Podrías ayudarme, lindo gatito ?- le dijo al gato
Si...¿En que ?- respondió este
Solo quita las trampas de la casa- dijo el ratón
Mnnn... y ...¿que me das a cambio ?- dijo el gato
Finjo ante la señora que estoy muerto, ya que tu me has matado, ella creerá que eres un héroe- respondió el ratón
Me has convencido- dijo el gato
El gato saco las trampas de la casa, pero el ratón nunca cumplió su parte del trato. Un día la señora descubre que fue el gato quien saco las trampas, ella muy enojada decide dejar al gato en la calle. Moraleja : "No confíes en todo lo que oyes".
Breves canciones infantiles
Con la música se pretende que los niños disfruten de la actividad a la vez que fomente su capacidad de expresión y comunicación. Al mismo tiempo irá conociendo, por medio de la música, las manifestaciones culturales y tradiciones de su entorno.
Interesa que aprendan a utilizar su propia voz como instrumento, a cantar siguiendo el ritmo y la entonación, a aprovechar los recursos sonoros y musicales del propio cuerpo, de objetos habituales y de instrumentos musicales simples, a moverse con el ritmo de las canciones, etc.
Lo importante es que el niño disfrute, explore, elabore, se exprese, y que utilice para ello las posibilidades que le ofrece su cuerpo, los diversos materiales que se están tratando y las técnicas que a ellos se asocian.
Sin embargo no todas estas canciones están dotadas de tal finalidad moral y educativa, las hay que son simplemente típicas canciones de la tradición española cuyo único objetivo es la diversión. Una de estas en la famosa canción "El corro de la patata " .
La letra es la siguiente :
"Al corro de la patata
comeremos ensalada
como comen los señores
naranjitas y limones
¡Achupé ! ¡Achupé !
¡Sentadita me quedé ! "
El video del corro de la patata :