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MiroirsCulture et médias

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Community radio

Community radio is a type of radio service that broadcasts content that is considered relevant to a local audience and is often neglected by more commercial broadcasters.

photo from : the UK, the idea of community-based services goes back to the early 1960s, with the creation of BBC local radio. From then on, a number of unlicensed pirate radio stations (Such as East London Radio, and Radio AMY) developed the idea further. As pirate stations proliferated during the late 1970s and early 1980s (see, for example, 2009 the film “The boat that rocked”) these stations were joined by others serving specifically minority immigrant communities (Afro-Caribbean and Asian etc.), particularly in cities such as London, Birmingham, Bristol, and Manchester, although most local radios were, and still are, operated on a for-profit basis.

Community radio services in the UK, on the other hand, are usually operated on a not-for-profit basis, and there are over 100 such stations licensed by the UK broadcasting regulator (Ofcom). Modern-day community radio stations often serve their listeners by offering a variety of content that is not necessarily provided by the larger commercial radio stations, and may even avoid the type of content broadcast by the latter.

Community radio outlets may carry news and information geared toward the local area, or towards specific communities (particularly immigrant or minority groups) that are poorly served by other major media broadcasters, and can therefore be valuable assets for a region.

There are two approaches to community radio, though these are not mutually exclusive. One centres on community-mindedness, focussing on what the station can do for the community. The other stresses involvement and participation by the listener.

To know more about community radio stations, check the Community Media Association.

(Adapted from :
photo from :

To find out more visit :

Have you seen The Boat that Rocked, the film about a fictitious pirate radio station moored off the British coast ? You can find out more about it here :

Radios asociativas : un espacio de libertad

“En una sociedad cuya realidad está altamente centralizada e informatizada, donde los medios privados y públicos de comunicación son poder y están al servicio del poder, las RADIOS LIBRES surgen ante la necesidad y el derecho de toda persona individual o colectiva a expresar libremente sus opiniones y criticar y ofrecer alternativas en todo aquello que le afecta directa e indirectamente.” (Manifiesto de Villaverde)

Radio autónoma
“La radio libre se constituye al margen de todo grupo de presión político, económico o religioso que pueda o quiera alterar en su provecho el mensaje a difundir y, obviamente, rechazamos cualquier tipo de publicidad directa o indirecta. La comunicación no debe ser un medio de lucro”.

“La radio libre es participativa. Está al servicio de la comunidad donde se integra, potenciando la unificación de los conceptos emisor/receptor.”

Radio social
“Las radios sociales se posicionan en contra de todo tipo de discriminación por razón de raza, opción sexual o discapacidad física o psíquica, apostando por la igualdad de hombres y mujeres, contra todo tipo de marginación y violación de los derechos humanos.”

“Las radios sociales apuestan por el desarrollo de la cultura alternativa y creativa, contra la cultura dirigista basada en el consumismo y en la manipulación de las personas.”


La Unión de Radios Culturales de Madrid es una organización de carácter federativo. En la URCM actualmente están federadas ocho emisoras y tres asociadas de las diecinueve que actualmente pueblan el dial de la FM. Madrileña. Desde hace más de quince años, la URCM ha desarrollado entre todo un área de Comunicación, con la creación de la Agencia de Noticias e Información Alternativa, un área interasociativa y un área de Formación.

¿Quién compone la URCM ?

Radio Vallekas 107.5 FM

Ejemplo de programa :
DE AQUÍ O DE FUERA : Programa sobre inmigración realizado por ATRAIE (Asociación de trabajadores inmigrantes de España) con el objetivo de ofrecer a los grupos de inmigrantes un espacio para la comunicación, la expresión, el debate sobre los temas relacionados con la inmigración, el racismo y la xenofobia.

Onda Merlín 107.3 FM

Ejemplo de programa :
KAMINANDO POR LA KALLE : Magazín socio-cultural dirigido por OMC Radio y realizado por educadores y educadoras sociales y jóvenes del distrito de Villaverde. El programa tiene contenidos culturales y educativos como son : ocio saludable, educación sexual, prevención de drogas, orientación escolar, etc.

Was hören die Bremer ?

Es ist eine öffentliche Rundfunkanstalt für das Land Bremen, die 1945 gegründet wurde und somit die älteste der BRD ist. Seit Ende 2007 befindet sich der Sender an zentraler Stelle in der Innenstadt Bremens und arbeitet erstmals in einem gemeinsamen Redaktionssystem der Hörfunk-, Fernseh- und Onlineredaktion.

photo from :

Ein Radio für jeden

In diesem Bereich der sogenannten trimedialen Arbeit ist Radio Bremen dementsprechend ein Vorreiter bei der ARD, zu der es gehört.
Mehrere Radiosender kann man bei dieser Anstalt hören : Radio Bremen 1 - für die etwas älteren, Radio Bremen 4 - für das junge Publikum, Nordwestradio - für kulturell Interessierte, Funkhaus Europa - für Hörer von Weltmusik, sowie Interessierte von Beiträgen in Deutsch und diversen Fremdsprachen.

BMP - 89.4 ko

Eine europaweit einzigartige Akustik bietet der seit kurzem unter Denkmalschutz stehende ehemalige Sendesaal von Radio Bremen, der 1952 errichtet wurde. Hier fanden unzählige Tonaufnahmen und Live-Mitschnitte von Konzerten statt. Dieser wird heute allerdings von einem eigenen Verein getragen.

Radiosender wie die Bremer hören :

- Bremen eins
- Bremen vier

Community radio

photo from : the UK, the idea of community-based services goes back to the early 1960s, with the creation of BBC local radio. From then on, a number of unlicensed pirate radio stations (Such as East London Radio, and Radio AMY) developed the idea further. As pirate stations proliferated during the late 1970s and early 1980s (see, for example, 2009 the film “The boat that rocked”) these stations were joined by others serving specifically minority immigrant communities (Afro-Caribbean and Asian etc.), particularly in cities such as London, Birmingham, Bristol, and Manchester, although most local radios were, and still are, operated on a for-profit basis.

Community radio services in the UK, on the other hand, are usually operated on a not-for-profit basis, and there are over 100 such stations licensed by the UK broadcasting regulator (Ofcom). Modern-day community radio stations often serve their listeners by offering a variety of content that is not necessarily provided by the larger commercial radio stations, and may even avoid the type of content broadcast by the latter.

Community radio outlets may carry news and information geared toward the local area, or towards specific communities (particularly immigrant or minority groups) that are poorly served by other major media broadcasters, and can therefore be valuable assets for a region.

There are two approaches to community radio, though these are not mutually exclusive. One centres on community-mindedness, focussing on what the station can do for the community. The other stresses involvement and participation by the listener.

To know more about community radio stations, check the Community Media Association.

(Adapted from :
photo from :

To find out more visit :

Have you seen The Boat that Rocked, the film about a fictitious pirate radio station moored off the British coast ? You can find out more about it here :

Poche radio comunitarie in Italia

La prima radio universitaria, Facoltà di frequenza, ha iniziato le trasmissioni nel 2000. Attualmente, la principale radio comunitaria in Italia è una radio religiosa, Radio Maria, nata a Como nel 1983. Esistono numerose radio religiose, riunite per la maggior parte all’interno della rete CORALLO (COnsorzio RAdio Libere LOcali).

Le radio locali in Italia sono circa 220, rappresentanti delle diverse realtà locali e comunitarie, soprattutto regionali.

La concezione di radio comunitaria relativa alle minoranze etniche o linguistiche sembra, per il momento, ancora una realtà non sufficientemente sviluppata nel panorama italiano.

Testo di Micaela Rossi

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  • Radios associatives : la parole en liberté 29 mai 2015 10:34, par Noémi

    Bonjour à tous,

    Voici les émissions du Journal curieux.
    Il s’agit d’un programme de radio proposé par les élèves du cours mixte de l’Institut Français de Madrid.