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Le sport est une activité autour de laquelle les pays se retrouvent et se confrontent. Football, rugby, à quoi joue-t-on ici et ailleurs ?
Man U
Manchester United, known as the “Red Devils”, is one of the top football clubs in the world ; they have won a joint-record 18 league titles and a record 11 FA Cups, and are the reigning Football League Cup holders. The club is the richest football club in the world, according to Forbes, and the most well supported thanks both to shrewd marketing and to a worldwide fan base.
Manchester United is reputed to be the most popular football club in the world, with the highest average home attendance in Europe. The club’s worldwide fan base has more than 200 officially recognised branches of the Manchester United Supporters Club , in at least 24 countries. and boasts starts like Bobby Charlton David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo or Eric Cantona amongst its payers.
The Manchester derby
Manchester United have major rivalries with Liverpool and Leeds United. However, another considerable rival in Manchester City, the other local team. The Manchester derby is the name given to matches between the two Manchester teams. As with any major football rivalry, gloating and banter between the two sets of fans is commonplace. United fans point out that City have gone several decades without winning a major trophy, whereas City fans claim United do not actually come from Manchester, as their ground lies just outside the city boundaries.
Why football matters
Bill Shankly famously said : “Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it’s much more serious than that.” But according to Dr John Beech, from Coventry University, “Football clubs are a manifestation of identity which their fans are eager to subscribe to.” A football club “provides a vehicle for both identity and social cohesion. […] Even in cities with more than one club, such as Sheffield, Nottingham, Manchester and Glasgow, the clubs provide social cohesion for communities within the city. Loyalty to one rather than the other club is part of the tradition of individual families, passed from father to son, and increasingly to daughter.”
And he goes on to explain : “Through their investment in new stadiums [...] football clubs provide the vehicle for regeneration schemes. A classic example is the City of Manchester stadium, built originally for the 2002 Commonwealth Games but now the home of Manchester City Football Club, where the continuing presence of the stadium, and all the related activity around both football and non-football events, has ensured that a real legacy continues, and provides a focus for the further regeneration of the eastern side of the city. [...] Football matters not only to the fans of particular clubs, but it matters as a community focus, as a catalyst for the strengthening of local identity, and as a springboard for economic regeneration as well as being a centre of economic activity.”
Indeed, both Man Untited and Man City boast strong community programmes which demostrate their social responsibility. As Garry Cook, CEO of Man City’s “City in the Community” scheme explains, "Our community is the cornerstone of this club and, through the tremendous work undertaken by City in the Community, we engage with hundreds of thousands of people every year, making a huge difference to the lives of those around us."
Grün-weiß von Werder Bremen
Der Fußballklub Werder Bremen wurde am 4. Februar 1899 gegründet. Der Vereinsname Werder bedeutet "Flussinsel" und ist vom an der Weser gelegenen Stadtwerder abgeleitet, auf dem sich das erste Trainings- und Spielgelände des Vereins befand, und heute das Stadion steht , in dem Werder Bremens Fußballprofis ihre Heimspiele austragen.
Werder Bremen gehört national wie international zu den erfolgreichsten Mannschaften der Fußball-Bundesliga und spielt eine bedeutende Rolle im Leben der Bremer und Bremerinnen, die regelmäßig um Ihre Mannschaft fiebern. Die grüne Farbe und das große "W" sind in den täglichsten Gegenständen wieder zu finden, die richtige Werder-Fans sich zulegen ... (wie Bettwäsche, Tassen, Zahnbürsten und natürlich die unvermeidlichen Schals...)
Mit Johan Micoud, der zwischen 1996 und 2000 bei den Girondins Bordeaux mitspielte, gewann Werder Bremen 2004 das sogenannte Double, das heißt die Deutsche Meisterschaft und den DFB-Pokal in einer Saison, und qualifizierte sich dreimal in Folge für die Champions League.
Fußball und Integration
Der SV Werder Bremen setzt im Rahmen seines Sozialmanagements verschiedene soziale Projekte um (100 Schulen - 100 Vereine, Kids-Club, 60plus ...). Dazu gehört seit 2008 "SV Werder goes Ehrenamt", bei dem Werder Bremen und der Verein für Innere Mission Bremen bürgerschaftliches Engagement in ihrer Stadt fördern. Das gemeinsame Projekt, das vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend finanziell gefördert wird, steht unter dem Motto "Integration" und umfasst ein breites Spektrum unterschiedlicher Teilprojekte. Damit sollen einerseits Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Religion, Menschen mit Behinderungen und Menschen aus so genannten Randgruppen geholfen werden, andererseits sollen Möglichkeiten zum Engagement geschaffen werden.
Die Zusammenarbeit eines karitativen Vereins und eines professionellen Sportvereins bietet beiden Seiten wertvolle Vorteile. So profitiert die Innere Mission beispielsweise vom Bekanntheitsgrad des SV Werder Bremen, der eine starke Medienwirkung erzielt und damit für die Freiwilligendienste aller Generationen werben kann. Der SV Werder Bremen hingegen kann von den jahrelangen Erfahrungen der Inneren Mission auf dem Gebiet der sozialen Freiwilligenarbeit profitieren. Zwischen den Einrichtungen findet ein reger Erfahrungsaustausch statt, der Raum für neue Projektideen bietet.
La leggenda di Genova : il Grifone rossoblu
Il simbolo della squadra genovese è il grifone, un incrocio di animale mitologico tra aquila, leone e cavallo. Lo scudo rosso e blu, con la croce di San Giorgio nella parte superiore, ricorda lo stemma della città di Genova e il famoso cavaliere crociato venerato dalla Repubblica Marinara di Genova ; i colori della squadra, invece, derivano dalla bandiera inglese, dato che il fondatore dell’associazione sportiva era Sir James Richardson Spensley, medico inglese che si trovata a Genova presso l’ambasciata.
La città di Genova nutre una sorta di venerazione quasi religiosa per la sua squadra del cuore : interi quartieri sono a lei dedicati e nel 2007, con la promozione della squadra in serie A, dopo una lunga retrocessione in serie B durata oltre dieci anni, tutta la città si è colorata, in una sola notte, dei colori calcistici rosso-blu.
Il Genoa non è però l’unica squadra genovese : dal 1946, anno di fondazione della squadra, il Genoa si è confrontato più volte con la squadra avversaria, la Sampdoria, squadra derivante dalla fusione delle squadre della Sampierdarenese e della Andrea Doria. Grazie a questa cordiale, ma agguerrita, rivalità, la città di Genova ha potuto essere protagonista di ben 101 partite tra le due squadre, chiamate anche “derby della Lanterna”.
Curiosità :
Sito dei tifosi del Genoa : http://www.grifoni.net/one.html
Inno del Genoa : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR6yFTNInv4
Fonti :
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genoa (oltre a quelle già citate)
Puñetero Aleti
Su equipación está compuesta de una camiseta rojiblanca y pantalón azul. En 1923 construyó su primer estadio, el Metropolitano ubicado en el madrileño barrio de Cuatro Caminos, hasta 1966 en que se inaugura el actual estadio, Vicente Calderón, situado en la ribera del Manzanares. En 1992 se convirtió en Sociedad Anónima Deportiva.
El palmarés del club se compone de 9 campeonatos de Liga, 9 Campeonatos de Copa, 1 Supercopa de España, 1 Copa Intercontinental en 1974 y una Recopa de Europa en 1962, lo que le convierte en el tercer equipo de España.
En 1974 jugó la final de la Copa de Europa y, cuando ganaba por 1-0 en la prórroga, encajó un gol a falta de 30 segundos para el final del partido que y perdió la final. A partir de ese momento, al club se le denominó el }Pupas apelando a la eterna mala suerte que parece perseguirle.
En 1987 llegó al club un personaje populista y vulgar llamado Jesús Gil. Hasta entonces, el club era apreciado con simpatía por todo el país pero con este personaje tan nefasto el equipo ha perdido el prestigio deportivo y social culminado en 2000 con el descenso a la 2ª División donde permaneció 2 temporadas. A pesar del fallecimiento del Sr. Gil, su familia sigue controlando el club.
El gran rival del ALETI es el Real Madrid, el cada vez más poderoso y mediático vecino. Si se vive en Madrid es duro ser del ALETI ante la arrogancia y las burlas de los madridistas . Por ello, cada vez que fracasan los vecinos (Merci Lyon) los atléticos lo celebran con alegría.
En resumen, el ALETI es un equipo diferente y divertido que hace sufrir a sus aficionados pero al que nunca se renuncia por su especial idiosincrasia, capaz de lo mejor y lo peor.
Artículo escrito por Pedro MARTINEZ FERNANDEZ
Man U
Manchester United is reputed to be the most popular football club in the world, with the highest average home attendance in Europe. The club’s worldwide fan base has more than 200 officially recognised branches of the Manchester United Supporters Club , in at least 24 countries. and boasts starts like Bobby Charlton David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo or Eric Cantona amongst its payers.
The Manchester derby
Manchester United have major rivalries with Liverpool and Leeds United. However, another considerable rival in Manchester City, the other local team. The Manchester derby is the name given to matches between the two Manchester teams. As with any major football rivalry, gloating and banter between the two sets of fans is commonplace. United fans point out that City have gone several decades without winning a major trophy, whereas City fans claim United do not actually come from Manchester, as their ground lies just outside the city boundaries.
Why football matters
Bill Shankly famously said : “Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it’s much more serious than that.” But according to Dr John Beech, from Coventry University, “Football clubs are a manifestation of identity which their fans are eager to subscribe to.” A football club “provides a vehicle for both identity and social cohesion. […] Even in cities with more than one club, such as Sheffield, Nottingham, Manchester and Glasgow, the clubs provide social cohesion for communities within the city. Loyalty to one rather than the other club is part of the tradition of individual families, passed from father to son, and increasingly to daughter.”
And he goes on to explain : “Through their investment in new stadiums [...] football clubs provide the vehicle for regeneration schemes. A classic example is the City of Manchester stadium, built originally for the 2002 Commonwealth Games but now the home of Manchester City Football Club, where the continuing presence of the stadium, and all the related activity around both football and non-football events, has ensured that a real legacy continues, and provides a focus for the further regeneration of the eastern side of the city. [...] Football matters not only to the fans of particular clubs, but it matters as a community focus, as a catalyst for the strengthening of local identity, and as a springboard for economic regeneration as well as being a centre of economic activity.”
Indeed, both Man Untited and Man City boast strong community programmes which demostrate their social responsibility. As Garry Cook, CEO of Man City’s “City in the Community” scheme explains, "Our community is the cornerstone of this club and, through the tremendous work undertaken by City in the Community, we engage with hundreds of thousands of people every year, making a huge difference to the lives of those around us."