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The global influence of English in the twentieth century has owed much to the international popularity of English-language songs. But is there really a single English language and what of the other languages spoken in the UK ?
British languages and songs
Report by Jayne and Ramesh as part of the multilingual project 4 Profs 4 Pays. |
The global influence of English in the twentieth century has owed much to the international popularity of English-language songs. But is there really a single English language and what of the other languages spoken in the UK ?
Whilst English is the dominant mother-tongue language in the United Kingdom, jand is now the most widely spoken language in the world, there are millions more English speakers outside the UK than are to be found within the country. Additionally, there now exist multiple versions of the standard language, including Standard British English, Standard American English and Standard Indian English. It has been calculated that less than 5% of the British population regularly speak in a language other than English (1), whereas in excess of 50% of English speakers living outside Great Britain, are at least bi-lingual, and frequently their "mother-tongue" (that spoken to them by their mother as a child) is not English.
Britain : mono- or multi-lingual ?
Whilst the UK has no official language, English is the lingua franca of everyday life in the overwhelming majority of the country
Welsh is the only other widely-spoken language in Britain, spoken by 21% of the population of Wales, where there is a requirement for all official, legal and business documentation to be bilingual English:Welsh. There are several other Celtic languages are still spoken in the United Kingdom, although there remains debate regarding whether they are in fact languages or dialects : Cornish, spoken in the extreme South West of England, Scottish Gaelic, spoken by 1.4% of the Scottish population (1), Irish Gaelic by 6.6% of the inhabitants of Northern Ireland (1) and Scots in which Robert Burns wrote the famous poem Auld Lang Syne,which is traditionally sung on New Year’s Day in Scotland and also by many people elsewhere in the UK. It is estimated that 2.7% of the British population speak a South Asian language (1), such as Gujarati or Hindi, which is a result of immigration and of the country’s connections with India during the 19th and 20th centuries. Asian thinking and philosophy was to influence the music of The Beatles, and inspire them to record the song ’’Across The Universe’’ which contains the Sanskrit mantra ’’Jai guru deva om’’.
Influences on English
The second word of the mantra is a fine example of the English language’s ability to absorb and borrow foreign words, as guru is now widely used by English-speakers in a variety of contexts, being no longer restricted to spiritual masters and encompassing leaders of any field from business to photography. This is certainly a process that has been ongoing since the arrival of the Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Franks and Jutes in the fourth century. At that time a range of languages, which were subsequently to be defined as dialects, appeared and with the arrival of the Romans developed further. Language was borrowed and absorbed across the various cultures and regions, but it was only around the mid 1500’s (and the arrival of mass printing press capabilities) that a single formal version of the English language came to the fore. English continued to evolve, borrowing and absorbing from dialects and groups arriving in the country. With the widespread British colonization during the latter 19th Century, English was transported to the shores of the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australasia, to name but a few. It was shortly after this period that English overtook French as the most widely-spoken language. Interestingly, we then saw a further development during the 20th Century as English began to adopt words from those nations). The outcome is that Standard British English now includes many borrowings from, amongst others, Germanic, Romance and Asian languages, and that the English spoken in Africa, India and Australia differs to that spoken in the UK.
Language and song
Returning to, as the French call them, les quatre garçons dans le vent, the legacy of the Beatles shows little sign of diminishing. Every passenger passing through
Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport is greeted by a large yellow submarine which pays tribute to one of the band’s many hits. The Beatles are included in the National Curriculum and people the world over can be heard singing their songs.
What does the future hold ?
The question to ask in ending this debate is what of the future ? Spanish is fast encroaching on English’s dominance as the international language. The number of hispanohablantes (spanish speakers) continues to increase at exponential rates globally, and within the US Spanish is now challenging the dominance of English. Perhaps we are on the cusp of a new era, and while the 19th century was that of French as the international language, the 20th centurythat of English, it could be that the mother-tongue of Fidel Castro, becomes the international language of the 21st Century and the world will sing along to Guantanamera and other Spanish-language classics. .
Sources :
British languages and songs
The global influence of English in the twentieth century has owed much to the international popularity of English-language songs. But is there really a single English language and what of the other languages spoken in the UK ?
Whilst English is the dominant mother-tongue language in the United Kingdom, jand is now the most widely spoken language in the world, there are millions more English speakers outside the UK than are to be found within the country. Additionally, there now exist multiple versions of the standard language, including Standard British English, Standard American English and Standard Indian English. It has been calculated that less than 5% of the British population regularly speak in a language other than English (1), whereas in excess of 50% of English speakers living outside Great Britain, are at least bi-lingual, and frequently their "mother-tongue" (that spoken to them by their mother as a child) is not English.
Britain : mono- or multi-lingual ?
Whilst the UK has no official language, English is the lingua franca of everyday life in the overwhelming majority of the country
Welsh is the only other widely-spoken language in Britain, spoken by 21% of the population of Wales, where there is a requirement for all official, legal and business documentation to be bilingual English:Welsh. There are several other Celtic languages are still spoken in the United Kingdom, although there remains debate regarding whether they are in fact languages or dialects : Cornish, spoken in the extreme South West of England, Scottish Gaelic, spoken by 1.4% of the Scottish population (1), Irish Gaelic by 6.6% of the inhabitants of Northern Ireland (1) and Scots in which Robert Burns wrote the famous poem Auld Lang Syne,which is traditionally sung on New Year’s Day in Scotland and also by many people elsewhere in the UK. It is estimated that 2.7% of the British population speak a South Asian language (1), such as Gujarati or Hindi, which is a result of immigration and of the country’s connections with India during the 19th and 20th centuries. Asian thinking and philosophy was to influence the music of The Beatles, and inspire them to record the song ’’Across The Universe’’ which contains the Sanskrit mantra ’’Jai guru deva om’’.
Influences on English
The second word of the mantra is a fine example of the English language’s ability to absorb and borrow foreign words, as guru is now widely used by English-speakers in a variety of contexts, being no longer restricted to spiritual masters and encompassing leaders of any field from business to photography. This is certainly a process that has been ongoing since the arrival of the Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Franks and Jutes in the fourth century. At that time a range of languages, which were subsequently to be defined as dialects, appeared and with the arrival of the Romans developed further. Language was borrowed and absorbed across the various cultures and regions, but it was only around the mid 1500’s (and the arrival of mass printing press capabilities) that a single formal version of the English language came to the fore. English continued to evolve, borrowing and absorbing from dialects and groups arriving in the country. With the widespread British colonization during the latter 19th Century, English was transported to the shores of the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australasia, to name but a few. It was shortly after this period that English overtook French as the most widely-spoken language. Interestingly, we then saw a further development during the 20th Century as English began to adopt words from those nations). The outcome is that Standard British English now includes many borrowings from, amongst others, Germanic, Romance and Asian languages, and that the English spoken in Africa, India and Australia differs to that spoken in the UK.
Language and song
Returning to, as the French call them, les quatre garçons dans le vent, the legacy of the Beatles shows little sign of diminishing. Every passenger passing through
Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport is greeted by a large yellow submarine which pays tribute to one of the band’s many hits. The Beatles are included in the National Curriculum and people the world over can be heard singing their songs.
What does the future hold ?
The question to ask in ending this debate is what of the future ? Spanish is fast encroaching on English’s dominance as the international language. The number of hispanohablantes (spanish speakers) continues to increase at exponential rates globally, and within the US Spanish is now challenging the dominance of English. Perhaps we are on the cusp of a new era, and while the 19th century was that of French as the international language, the 20th centurythat of English, it could be that the mother-tongue of Fidel Castro, becomes the international language of the 21st Century and the world will sing along to Guantanamera and other Spanish-language classics. .
Sources :
Der Rap in Deutschland
Die Anfänge des Rap in Deutschland
Der Rap kam anfang der 80er Jahre über die USA nach Deutschland und verbreitete sich durch Schallplatten und Filme wie Wild Style und Beat Street.
Daraus folgte die Bildung einer ganzen Subkultur und man veranstaltete Hip-Hop/Rap (Freestyle) Jams, Breakdance Battles oder auch geheime "Sprayer Meetings".
Erstmals waren deutsche Rapper in den späten 80er Jahren aktiv. Ihre Texte behandelten überwiegend politische/familiäre Themen, die Melodien waren rau, laut und kräftig.
Pioniere des deutschsprachigen Raps waren "Cora E." und "Advanced Chemistry".
cora e. - schlüsselkind advanced chemistry
Die wichtigsten Gruppen
In den 1990er Jahren etablierte sich Rap in der populären Kultur und weitere Rapper machten durch ihre Musik auf sich aufmerksam.
Künstler, die den Bekanntheitsgrad des deutschen Raps innerhalb Deutschlands (in den 90ern) besonders stiegen ließen, waren vor allem :
• Die fantastischen Vier Die fantastischen Vier
• Sabrina Setlur Sabrina Setlur - Du Liebst Mich Nicht
• Samy Deluxe Samy Deluxe - Weck Mich Auf
• Fettes Brot Fettes Brot - Jein
• Absolute Beginner Absolute Beginner - Liebeslied
Mitte/ Ende der 90er Jahre befand sich der deutschsprachige Rap auf einem Höhepunkt und war fester Bestandteil der nationalen Rap- (und Hip-Hop-)szene. Es erschienen immer mehr Veröffentlichungen und der Markt wurde regelrecht überschwemmt.
Bis zum Jahr 2000 gab es zwar immer mehr Rapper und fanden viele Fans , die Szene ansich aber stagnierte. Der Rap Boom endete allmählich und die Anzahl der Neuveröffentlichungen sank.
Rap im 21. Jahrhundert
Im neuen Jahrtausend wurde eine neue Art des Raps erschaffen, hervorgebracht und populär gemacht.
Vor allem Rapper wie Kool Savas, Sido, Bushido machten sich durch ihren eigensinnigen, oftmals aggressiven Rap bekannt.
Aber auch diverse andere Rapper machten sich einen Namen : Liste deutscher Rapper/ Hip-Hopper
Neu waren auch die sog. "Rap Battles", wo verfeindete Rapper sich "Dissen" (engl. to diss - beleidigen, fertigmachen).
Oft werden in ihrer Rapmusik auch alltägliche Probleme musikalisch impulsiv ausgedrückt. Häufige Themen sind Arbeitslosigkeit, Chancenlosigkeit (oft bei ausländischen Jugendlichen), Rassismus, aber auch Straßen- und Drogenkriminalität.
Somit hat der deutsche Rap einen besonders großen Einfluss auf die heutige Jugend, denn worüber die Rapper texten und rappen, betrifft sie persönlich oft am meisten.
Quelle :
Lengua y canción.
En el aprendizaje de un idioma, la eficacia y la eficiencia la marcan cosas tan sutiles como la música. Es la perfecta herramienta para trabajar de un modo práctico y entretenido las distintas áreas cognitivas de una lengua, especialmente su parte fonológica, debes sintonizar los oídos y escuchar continuamente a medida que se absorven los sonidos.
Sin saber su significado, y cómo se escribe , cualquier persona puede ser capaz de repetir de forma sistemática, con el mejor acento y entonación posible, sin distorsión de la lengua materna, una canción en otra lengua diferente a la propia.
La letra de las canciones que esconden un mundo entero de vivencias y enseñanzas, al relacionarlo de forma sistemática con un contexto real, encuentra mayor facilidad para retener las nuevas palabras en su memoria y aplicarlas de modo posterior de forma adecuada.
Es la virtud que tiene la música, que se retiene en la memoria de un modo más fácil que otras vías de comunicación.
En cualquier caso, ¿a quién no le gusta escuchar lo último de su cantante favorito ?
Cantos y danzas
Hablar de cantos y danzas populares en españa es hablar de flamenco. El flamenco surgió en Andalucía a finales del siglo XVIII, en cuyo desarrollo tuvieron un papel fundamental los andaluces de etnia gitana. El instrumento fundamental es la guitarra, la cual se suele acompañar con palmas. Los cantaores más conocidos son Antonio Fernández, Francisco Ortega Vargas, Manuel Ortega Juarez y Jose Monje Cruz.
En España además del castellano tenemos cuatro dialectos : euskera, catalán, gallego y valenciano. Cada uno de los cuales posée su propia riqueza folclórica.
La gaita es el instrumento más representativo de la música popular gallega, entorno a la gaita se desarrollan todas las actividades musicales de esta tierra. Los cantos más populares son la alborada y el lalalás . La alborada son dulces melodías, mientras que el alalás es un canto más simple y primitivo.
Los instrumentos más representativos del folklore vasco, son el txistu, la txalaparta, el tamboril y la dulzaina. El txistu es una flauta recta de tres agujeros, el cual se toca acompañado del tamboril. Las danzas y ritmos más conocidos del -tamboril son : biribilketa, arin-arin, porrusalda y ezpata-dantza.
La trikitixa es un pequeño acordeón diatónico el cual está muy ligado a las romerías.
Dentro de la música vasca no hay que olvidar las tamborradas, aunque también es típico de otras tierras, pero es en el Pais Vasco donde toma especial fuerza.
Las tamborradas son una gran concentración de tamborileros o repicantes. Los tambores que se utilizan son totalmente artesanales, con diferentes tamaños, composición y la forma de tocarse. Principalmente se divide en dos tipos : por un lado el barril y por otro el tambor. Las tamborradas o tamboradas pueden tener origen religioso, militar o simplemente festivo.
Lo más común es que sea de origen militar como en el caso de la tamborrada de San Sebastián o de origen religioso como la Tamborada de Semana Santa de Hellin.
La isa es un canto folclórico típico de Canarias de esencia alegre y parrandera. Se suele acompañar de un baile característico y es tradicional su ejecución o representación en romerías, fiestas populares y festivales folclóricos.
Otras danzas populares españolas asociadas a la música son la sardana fundamentalmente en Cataluña, las jotas aragonesas y extendido por toda España, los pasodobles.
Rap en castellano
El rap español es solamente la adaptación de este fenómeno urbano al contexto del idioma castellano y de la cultura hispanoamericana. Por lo que debemos definir lo que es el rap. Se trata de una cultura musical que surgió a finales de 1970 en los barrios marginales de Nueva York y que consiste en una base musical con fuerte énfasis rítmico ejecutada por un DJ.
Pero ¿qué es el RAP ? Podríamos definirlo como el componente musical de los cuatro elementos que componen la cultura hip-hop. Los cuatro elementos que constituyen los pilares de la cultura hip-hop son el graffiti (que consiste en plasmar tu nombre o a.k.a. que es el apodo o alias que cada uno tiene en las paredes), el turntablism (nombre que recibe la acción que desempeñan los dj’s), el break dance (baile que consta en hacer ejercicios y piruetas imposibles al son del ritmo que marca la base) y el mcing (nombre que recibe el arte de rapear).
En la letra de las canciones predominan como elementos más destacados las rimas y las ironías.
El rap en España empezó a llegar a finales de los 80’s. Por esas fechas se publicaron los primeros LP’s de rap en España. A principios de los 90’s se consolidó un poco más el estilo en nuestro país con la aparición del grupo El club de los poetas violentos que más tarde pasaría a denominarse CPV. En estas fechas también surgió en Madrid el primer sello discográfico especializado en este estilo : Yo Gano, en el que se publicaron los primeros LP’s de RAP en España con temas de grupos como DNI, Sindicato del crimen o MC Randy. Esto dio lugar a la aparición de otros artistas como 7 Notas, 7 Colores. En esta época empieza a haber un interés mayor por el RAP y muchos chavales comienzan a grabar cintas con los pocos medios que tenían lo que dio lugar a la aparición de una escena underground que más tarde se convertiría en lo que hoy consolida el género.
A finales de los 90’s, empezaron a aparecer nuevos grupos que serían el principio de lo denominado “Nueva Escuela”, un nuevo estilo que deja atrás a los precursores del rap para describir, por norma general un nuevo estilo caracterizado por tener más ego en sus canciones que mensaje. En este nuevo estilo podríamos encuadrar a Violadores del Verso, un grupo que surgió de grabar cintas y colocó en el escalafón a Zaragoza. Otro MC que resurgió por aquellos tiempos fue Nach que empezó también grabando cintas, aunque su estilo se centra más en la crítica social que en el ego. Por esas fechas el rap empezó a resurgir, dándose a conocer grupos que continúan hasta el día de hoy como SFDK o Tote King. A día de hoy, el rap está en su auge, llamando la atención de diversos medios de información, como en la radio o en la televisión.
En cuanto a las nuevas tendencias surgen hoy en día artistas jóvenes con mucho talento como Porta, un rapero catalán que llega de forma clara y evidente a adolescentes y gente de su generación, asi como grupos que ya están consolidados en el panorama nacional pero que se reinventan día a día como el Chojin, Zenit y otros grandes nombres del rap español.
La Lingua Italiana agli albori
La Lingua Italiana agli alboriIn Italia la lingua parlata fino al XIII secolo era il latino ma in seguito il popolo si avvicinò sempre più all’utilizzo di un latino più colloquiale. Ogni regione ne sviluppò una variante, da cui nacquero i volgari (da volgo, cioè popolo).
Questi volgari si distaccarono sempre di più dal latino ufficiale fino ad arrivare a Dante, che diffuse la “Divina Commedia” in volgare fiorentino e per qui verrà considerato il “padre della Lingua Italiana” per antonomasia.
I processi di evoluzione della Lingua e della Canzone
Ad una costante evoluzione della lingua corrisponde un’evoluzione della canzone italiana. Fino a quel periodo in Italia c’era stata una frattura tra la poesia e la musica, e sarà proprio grazie a
Dante e all’Ars Nova che si recupererà la musica. Nel 1400 si diffonde la musica rinascimentale, da cui nasce l’Opera Lirica, che ha come primo protagonista Claudio Monteverdi. Il 1600 e la prima metà del 1700 corrispondono alla Musica Barocca, mentre il 1800 è il secolo della Musica Romantica. La Canzone così come la conosciamo noi, nasce alla fine dell’800, dalla romanza da salotto o dalle arie dell’operetta, e si sviluppa per tutto il ‘900. Ha il suo momento magico di larghissima diffusione popolare (grazie anche all’invenzione dei mezzi tecnici di riproduzione e di ascolto a basso costo, quali il giradischi e il disco di vinile) negli anni 50-80 con un apice tra gli anni ’60 e ’70. Insomma dal primo festival di San Remo(1951), la celebrazione della canzone italiana per eccellenza, alle prime radio libere (1974).
Il suo momento magico è comunque da collocare negli ’80 : è in questo decennio che sono in azione e in piena attività geni puri della canzone come Ivano Fossati, Franco Battiato, Antonello Venditti, Renato Zero, Gianna Nannini, Roberto Vecchioni, Lucio Dalla, Francesco Guccini, Francesco De Gregori ecc..
La Lingua e la Canzone oggi
Per quanto riguarda l’era odierna la canzone e il linguaggio sono notevolmente variati : la lingua utilizza vocaboli sempre più semplici e fa uso di molti neologismi e termini mutuati dalle altre lingue, in un’ottica di globalizzazione. Cantanti moderni quali Fabri Fibra o J-Ax seguono questa moda. Per non parlare del fatto che tra i vari cantanti di origine italiana, ve ne sono alcuni di fama internazionale che riscuotono un enorme successo, grazie alla redazione delle loro canzoni in varie lingue. Basti pensare a Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti, Tiziano Ferro (come l’italiana "Indietro" che ha il suo corrispondente inglese "Breathe Gentle" cantata con Kelly Rowland) ecc...
La canzone si sta plasmando sul linguaggio dei giovani, il quale riflette la loro visione del mondo e i loro attuali valori, di certo notevolmente cambiati rispetto al passato.