Miroirs › Notre temps
Comment abordons-nous le temps, comment l’occupons-nous, comment l’organise-t-on ?
A day in the life of a woman from Sheffield
Sylvia is a 42 year-old woman who lives in the city of Sheffield which is in Yorkshire in the north of England. She works part-time as a primary school teacher and is married to Malcolm, a senior civil servant in the Department of Education and Employment, the Head Office of which is situated in regional centres including Sheffield. They have three children, Mark 14, Lucy 10 and Jack 8.
On a working day I’m up at 6.30 a.m. and aim to get the children moving by 7.00. Mark isn’t a problem as he’s up very early to do his paper round before getting himself off to the local secondary school. The rest of us leave the house at 8.00. Malcolm walks the two younger ones to their primary school and then goes on to his office. School starts at 9.00 a.m. so I drive to my school as I need to be there by about 8.30 to do my final preparation for the teaching day.
Lunchtime is between 12.00 and 1.00 p.m. I eat a quick sandwich which I bring from home before I have to start lunchtime duties which all teaching staff must do.
The school day ends at 3.30 p.m. but I’m there till 4.45 finishing off admin and generally clearing up. Lucy and Jack go to the afterschool club which is held in their school until I can pick them up at around 5.00. Mark sees himself home and he’s pretty good at getting on with his homework !
I prepare tea for the children while Lucy and Jack do their homework. I have to cook and listen to reading and spelling practice so it’s lucky we have a good sized kitchen- dining room and I can do everything ! The children eat at 5.30 and then they go out to evening activities. For example Jack goes to Cubs between 6.30 and 7.30 and Lucy goes to Guides which doesn’t finish until 9.00 p.m. She usually gets a lift home from a friend whereas it’s usually me or Malcolm who’ll get Jack.
After I’ve dropped the children off at their various activities I come back to the house and start preparing a meal for Malcolm and me. Malcolm gets home at around 7.00 p.m. and we eat as soon as he finishes reading Jack a story. Lucy loves to listen to this although she thinks she’s too old to be read to ! While we eat Mark is in his room playing on his computer although he’s supposed to be doing his homework. Jack is usually asleep by 9, and the other two stay up a bit longer.
We might watch TV afterwards ; we usually try to catch the news at 10.00 p.m. Sometimes I spend the evening on the computer dealing with business to do with the house and family or preparing for my next teaching day or one or other of us might go to the local pub for a drink with a friend. If we are at home we’ll have a cup of tea and I’m in bed by 11.00 p.m. I always have a book on the go but I’m usually asleep by midnight.
El día de una Madrileña
6:30 de la mañana
Suena el despertador. Paula tiene 45 minutos para prepararse antes de despertar a las 7:15 a Rubén, su hijo de 4 años. En ese tiempo ha tenido que ducharse, preparar la ropa del pequeño, ordenar los papeles de su propio trabajo y tomar un café.
Siempre tiene que vestir deprisa al pequeño y animarlo a apurar el desayuno porque el autobús del colegio pasa puntual a las 8:00, y éste sí que no espera... La familia Pérez vive en El Escorial (a 50 kilómetros de Madrid). Es una más de las jóvenes familias españolas que han optado por un marco de vida más cercano a la naturaleza y a precios relativamente más asequibles que la gran capital. Sin embargo, el tiempo de transporte al trabajo es una carga que todo el mundo tiene que asumir con resignación.
Pasa el autobús que deja a Paula en Madrid, a 10 minutos de distancia de su oficina. Si no ha habido accidentes en la carretera, lo normal es que Paula llegue a su trabajo a las 9:30. La jornada comienza con un segundo café de 10 ó 15 minutos ante la máquina del comedor. Llamadas, faxes, clientes, etc... la vorágine se prolonga casi sin interrupción hasta las
14:00 de la tarde, hora en la que todo el mundo sale para comer. A pesar de que no hay una norma estricta en ese sentido, lo normal es que entre 14:00 y 16:00 no sea fácil localizar a nadie en su puesto de trabajo. Son dos horas en las que Paula aprovecha para ir a comer con sus compañeros al restaurante más cercano, o para entrar y pasear por el gran centro comercial cercano a su oficina, ya que bancos u organismos públicos están ya cerrados a esas horas y no hay muchas gestiones personales que hacer.
Se retoma la actividad de la mañana. A las 5:00 Paula ha alcanzado el mismo nivel de estrés que antes de comer, pero ahora se siente cansada y decide llamar a su compañera Merche para tomar un café en 10 ó 15 minutos como máximo, porque a las 17:30 es la reunión de final del mes de la compañía. Aunque presente en la reunión, Paula tiene la cabeza en otro sitio : Rubén ha debido de salir del colegio a las 17:45, y si todo ha ido bien, la abuela del pequeño ha ido a recogerlo para darle la merienda en su casa.
La reunión acaba con 30 minutos de retraso. Normalmente Paula termina los detalles pendientes más urgentes en una hora y se planta en el autobús de las 20:30. Una hora después está en casa de su madre donde le espera Rubén.
De vuelta a casa, lo primero es bañar al niño, darle la cena, y acostarlo, pocas veces antes de las 22:00, hora a la que suele llegar Nacho a casa. Es el momento de preparar algo rápido para la cena, charlar tranquilamente y relajarse viendo un rato la televisión.
Entre 23:30 y 24:00, Paula y Nacho se acuestan pensando en el próximo fin de semana...
Según los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Madrid, los Madrileños son los habitantes más insomnes de España. Duermen ocho minutos menos que el ciudadano medio del país.
La giornata di una genovese
6:30 suona la sveglia oppure si sveglia il piccolo Stefano che vuole fare colazione. Mi alzo, faccio uscire il cane, preparo la colazione al piccolo, che beve tutto il suo biberon a tempo di record. Lo lascio nel lettone insieme al suo papà a giocare, vado in bagno, mi lavo, mi vesto, preparo le mie borse e corro a prendere l’autobus. Il piccolo Paolo dorme ancora, gli mando un bacio senza svegliarlo ;)
7:15 sono alla fermata dell’autobus che mi porta alla stazione, c’è il mio vicino di casa che mi aggiorna sulle ultime notizie, lui ascolta il giornale radio la mattina ! Prendo l’autobus e vado alla stazione di Recco a prendere il treno. Fabrizio intanto si alza e accompagna i bambini all’asilo (per fortuna nella stessa palazzina !) Io prendo il treno per Genova insieme a un gruppo di signore, si chiacchiera e si legge il giornale.
8:25 arrivo alla stazione e mi dirigo verso il mio ufficio, dove arrivo alle ore 8:45. Lavoro all’Università, almeno quattro giorni alla settimana dalle 9 alle 16, talvolta più tardi, dipende dal periodo di lezioni, esami o altre attività. La Sezione nella quale lavoro è molto accogliente e lavoriamo tutti in gruppo, questo aiuta molto a gestire le situazioni di stress, che non mancano !
13:00 si mangia, di solito un panino o un’insalata tutti insieme in ufficio, se c’è qualche occasione speciale allora ognuno porta qualche cosa, pasta, riso, pizza... e mangiamo tutti insieme.
16:00-17:00 è l’ora in cui esco dall’ufficio, faccio una passeggiata fino alla stazione se è bel tempo oppure faccio la spesa, poi corro a prendere il treno.
18:00-18:30 arrivo a casa e ritrovo tutti, fortunatamente gli orari di Fabrizio gli permettono di recuperare i bambini alla fine dell’asilo ; tutti sono un po’ stanchi e affamati, quindi diamo da mangiare al cane e poi prepariamo la cena, che mangiamo normalmente alle 19:00. Paolo ormai mangia da solo mentre imbocchiamo a turno Stefano, nel frattempo mangiamo anche io e Fabrizio, e ci raccontiamo le storie della giornata, se tutto fila liscio !
19:30 tranne il giovedì, Fabrizio esce per andare a lavorare (lavora in un ristorante), io sistemo la cucina e i bambini giocano insieme (se tutto va bene), magari mangiano qualche biscotto o lo yogurt mentre aspettano che io finisca.
20:30 comincio a preparare le “grandi manovre” per mettere a letto i bambini : ci laviamo tutti, Paolo si mette il pigiamino e io metto il pigiamino a Stefano, lo cambio e preparo un bel biberon di camomilla ! Preparo i vestitini e gli zainetti dei bimbi per la mattina dopo, lascio tutto pronto sul tavolo. Ci sistemiamo in camera e giochiamo ancora qualche minuto a letto (solletico, saltelli...) davanti alla televisione, poi...
21:30 ...Stefano si addormenta finalmente nel suo lettino. Paolo ed io giochiamo una partita a carte oppure raccontiamo una storia, poi anche lui finalmente si addormenta : evviva ! Ora sono sola, tutti dormono – cane compreso – Fabrizio non è ancora rientrato, ho un paio d’ore per me ! Lavoro al PC, studio, a volte devo fare qualche lavoretto di casa (ad esempio stirare...), oppure guardo un bel film.
23:30 Fabrizio rientra a casa e io gli racconto la serata dei bimbi. A volte ci prendiamo un gelato e lo mangiamo prima di dormire, questo è il nostro unico, vero momento tranquillo !
Ein Tag einer Bremer Studentin
Der Tag einer Bremer Studentin im 3.Semester. Sarah, 23 erzählt, wie sich ihr Tag gestaltet und wie sie mit ihrem Freund zusammen lebt.
7 Uhr 30
Mein Tag beginnt. Ich stehe auf, gehe schnell duschen, ziehe mich an und trinke einen Tee.
Bevor es los geht zur Uni gehe ich in Ruhe meinen Tagesablauf durch : Welche Kurse habe ich heute ? Habe ich alle Sachen mit, die ich brauche ?
Ich räume noch ein bisschen auf, packe vielleicht letzte Dinge in meine Tasche und schon geht’s los. Manchmal stehe ich auch etwas früher auf und gehe schon vor der Uni einkaufen, dann ist es noch nicht so voll in den Supermärkten.
9 Uhr 20
Mit dem Bus fahre ich zur Uni und manchmal treffe ich mich mit einer Freundin, da wir aber oft unterschiedlich zur Uni müssen, können wir nicht immer zusammen fahren. Der Bus ist immer sehr voll, deshalb versuche ich so oft es geht mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren.
12 Uhr 15
Mittagspause. Ich treffe mich mit anderen Studenten in der Mensa. Hier hat man eine große Auswahl an warmen Gerichten und verschiedenen Salaten, damit auch die Vegetarier satt werden. Wir essen gemeinsam und reden über universitäre und private Dinge. Manchmal wird auch hier noch das ein oder andere Referat durchgesprochen.
Die Pause dauert etwa eine Stunde. Nicht alle essen in der Mensa, einige gehen auch in die Bibliothek oder essen schnell ein Brötchen in der Cafeteria.
16 Uhr 30
Ich bin zu Hause angekommen und lege meine Tasche erstmal in die Ecke um etwas im Haushalt zu machen. Ich wohne mit meinem Freund zusammen, er kommt meistens erst gegen 18 Uhr nach Hause, also nutze ich die Zeit um noch ein wenig aufzuräumen und das Abendbrot schon mal vorzubereiten.
Wenn ich dann gegen 18 Uhr damit fertig bin, mache ich meine Hausaufgaben für die Universität. Ich muss meinen Unterricht gut vorbereiten und einige Themen nacharbeiten. Wenn nicht so viel zu erledigen ist, dann chatte ich im Internet mit Freunden oder telefoniere. An Tagen, an denen ich nicht so lange Uni habe, treffe ich mich sonst mit Freunden oder besuche meine Eltern.
Gegen 18 Uhr 15 kommt mein Freund nach Hause und wir essen zusammen Brot mit Käse und Wurst und berichten uns gegenseitig von unserem Tag.
Meistens laufen abends im Fernsehen Serien um 21 Uhr 15, wenn eine interessante dabei ist, schauen wir sie gemeinsam. Wenn es nicht regnet, gehen wir im Bürgerpark spazieren oder treffen uns abends mit Freunden und spielen Gesellschaftsspiele.
Es kommt aber auch mal vor, dass wir einfach nur Musik hören oder ich doch noch etwas für die Uni vorbereiten muss.
23 Uhr
Mein Tag geht zu Ende. Wenn ich nicht zu müde bin, dann lese ich abends noch ein bisschen im Bett, aber meistens bin ich vom Tag sehr müde und schlafe schnell ein.
A day in the life of a woman from Sheffield
On a working day I’m up at 6.30 a.m. and aim to get the children moving by 7.00. Mark isn’t a problem as he’s up very early to do his paper round before getting himself off to the local secondary school. The rest of us leave the house at 8.00. Malcolm walks the two younger ones to their primary school and then goes on to his office. School starts at 9.00 a.m. so I drive to my school as I need to be there by about 8.30 to do my final preparation for the teaching day.
Lunchtime is between 12.00 and 1.00 p.m. I eat a quick sandwich which I bring from home before I have to start lunchtime duties which all teaching staff must do.
The school day ends at 3.30 p.m. but I’m there till 4.45 finishing off admin and generally clearing up. Lucy and Jack go to the afterschool club which is held in their school until I can pick them up at around 5.00. Mark sees himself home and he’s pretty good at getting on with his homework !
I prepare tea for the children while Lucy and Jack do their homework. I have to cook and listen to reading and spelling practice so it’s lucky we have a good sized kitchen- dining room and I can do everything ! The children eat at 5.30 and then they go out to evening activities. For example Jack goes to Cubs between 6.30 and 7.30 and Lucy goes to Guides which doesn’t finish until 9.00 p.m. She usually gets a lift home from a friend whereas it’s usually me or Malcolm who’ll get Jack.
After I’ve dropped the children off at their various activities I come back to the house and start preparing a meal for Malcolm and me. Malcolm gets home at around 7.00 p.m. and we eat as soon as he finishes reading Jack a story. Lucy loves to listen to this although she thinks she’s too old to be read to ! While we eat Mark is in his room playing on his computer although he’s supposed to be doing his homework. Jack is usually asleep by 9, and the other two stay up a bit longer.
We might watch TV afterwards ; we usually try to catch the news at 10.00 p.m. Sometimes I spend the evening on the computer dealing with business to do with the house and family or preparing for my next teaching day or one or other of us might go to the local pub for a drink with a friend. If we are at home we’ll have a cup of tea and I’m in bed by 11.00 p.m. I always have a book on the go but I’m usually asleep by midnight.