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Liar, liar !
Did you know that the Lake District was formed not by ice or volcanic action, but by large moles and eels ?
We all tell fibs from time to time, but the truly great liars have a competition all of their own : each year, the world´s biggest liar competition is held at the Santon Bridge Inn, in Cumbia, in memory of Victorian pub landlord Will Ritson. His tall tales about his home county included one about how local turnips grew so large that you could hollow one out and use it to keep sheep in it !
The competition has now become a yearly event attracting thousands of visitors. Participants have to tell the biggest and most convincing lie they can, in five minutes or less, without the aid of any props…. And politicians and lawyers are excluded from entry, as they are just too practised and it wouldn’t be fair on the other participants !
To find out more visit :
And if you want to know about other English counties’ quirky claims to fame, you might enjoy this article : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1082148/This-weird-pleasant-land-best-barmiest-Englands-countryside.html#ixzz0cbqbFRtz
El rey de Patones
Patones, enclavado en plena "Sierra Pobre madrileña" ha sido un pueblo olvidado durante miles de años. Tanto es así que no conoció ninguna de las invasiones que ha sufrido España : ni la romana, ni la árabe, tampoco las mesnadas castellanas se afincaron en estos pagos, ni los franceses de Napoleón. Sus habitantes llegaron a tener sus propias leyes y su propio Rey. Parece ser que el rey Carlos tercero, en el siglo XVIII, pensó que no era bueno que a diez leguas de la Corte hubiese otra corona y mandó sus fuerzas a someterlo.
Texto de la imagen : El rey de los patones reinó durante el mandato del Rey de toda España Carlos III y con su consentimiento durante la invasión napoleónica en el año 1808. Fue el unico pueblo de España que por estar oculto en esta inaccesible sierra se libro de los invasores franceses.
La regina più famosa d’Italia : la pizza Margherita !
La pizza ha origini antichissime : pare che questo alimento derivi dalla cucina etrusca prima, e da quella araba poi, ovviamente con ingredienti e forme molto diverse da come si conosce attualmente la pizza.
Era in ogni caso un piatto semplice da preparare e fondamentalmente “povero”, dato che si ottiene mescolando alimenti semplici e facilmente reperibili : farina, olio, sale, lievito.
La pizza italiana nasce nel 1600 sotto forma di una schiacciata di pasta da pane cotta in forni a legna e condita con aglio, strutto e sale grosso, oppure con formaggio e basilico.
Nel 1800 le pizze più famose a Napoli, patria natale della pizza, erano la “mastunicola” (l’odierna pizza bianca), la pizza alla marinara, e la pizza al pomodoro e mozzarella.
La pizza Margherita nasce proprio alla fine del 1800 quando, in occasione della visita del Re Umberto I e della Regina Margherita sua moglie, questa viene creata dal miglior pizzaiolo dell’epoca : Raffaele Esposito, infatti, prepara la celebre pizza napoletana al pomodoro e mozzarella, aggiungendoci anche del basilico in modo da richiamare i tre colori della bandiera italiana. Alla Regina la pizza piace così tanto che Raffaele Esposito decide di dare il suo nome, appunto Margherita, alla nuova pizza inventata per l’occasione.
La pizza è così parte integrante della cultura napoletana e italiana, che sono molte le canzoni a essa dedicate ; un esempio è la celebre “Fatte ‘na pizza” di Pino Daniele, cantata in italiano con alcune costruzioni in dialetto napoletano :
vedrai che il mondo poi ti sorriderà.
Fatte ’na pizza e crescerai più forte
nessuno, nessuno più ti fermerà.
Liar, liar !
We all tell fibs from time to time, but the truly great liars have a competition all of their own : each year, the world´s biggest liar competition is held at the Santon Bridge Inn, in Cumbia, in memory of Victorian pub landlord Will Ritson. His tall tales about his home county included one about how local turnips grew so large that you could hollow one out and use it to keep sheep in it !
The competition has now become a yearly event attracting thousands of visitors. Participants have to tell the biggest and most convincing lie they can, in five minutes or less, without the aid of any props…. And politicians and lawyers are excluded from entry, as they are just too practised and it wouldn’t be fair on the other participants !
To find out more visit :
And if you want to know about other English counties’ quirky claims to fame, you might enjoy this article : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1082148/This-weird-pleasant-land-best-barmiest-Englands-countryside.html#ixzz0cbqbFRtz
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